i walk the world in a skin so thin

Nov 11, 2014 11:22

I got my period yesterday and it was one of those times where it felt like my ability to think had ground to a halt. Just a really bad case of the dumb. Today I feel so much more alert and able to function.

I did manage to write a cute little Arrow story though:

We'd take a limousine 'cause it costs more (@ AO3Arrow; Felicity, Oliver, Diggle; g; ( Read more... )

tv: gotham, you're a wonder wonder woman, muppets, tv: the good wife, tv: friday night lights, tv: star wars rebels, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, tv: sleepy hollow, you should totally write that, awesome ladies, comics: wonder woman

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tsuki_no_bara November 12 2014, 05:14:13 UTC
i'm right there with you on sleepy hollow. no one wants a hawley/abbie/jenny love triangle except apparently the ptb. altho i read somewhere someone's theory that it's a studio decision, because it seems like the kind of stupid, boring, conventional plot contrivance that studio suits would insist on. but i don't know if that's true or not. in any case, hawley is a plot device more than a person - and since the show already had an artifact-finder in jenny, i don't know why the ptb needed someone else to do that - and the love triangle thing is totally forced and seems to work its way into pretty much every one of abbie's interations with anyone. which, ugh. the best i can say is that she doesn't seem nearly as interested in him as he is in her.

i wondered if katrina's necklace was influencing her thoughts about henry at all, mostly because henry asked abraham if she was still wearing it, and it did a suspicious glowy thing when she saw the demon baby. because i don't want him to get a redemption arc either! he's evil! completely evil! there's nothing in him to redeem!

and i miss irving and jenny! lyndie greenwood got to be a regular on the show and in return she's only in like half the episodes! what's up with that? and the sisters' relationship is so good, and because they're neither mortal enemies nor best friends, it's actually kind of different. and i loved that. at least abbie and ichabod are still worth watching, and ichabod and katrina vs the 21st century is really cute.


viridian5 November 12 2014, 06:58:23 UTC
It might be, but since the necklace makes her see Headless as a normal living man, I'm thinking the necklace is also making her see the Moloch thing as a cute human baby when actually it's horrifying.


tsuki_no_bara November 12 2014, 17:23:11 UTC
that's what i thought too. i mean, we saw it as a demon baby, and then she looked at it and it was adorable and human. and you'd think she'd remember the whole conversation about henry needing the succubus to help birth a baby moloch, and so wouldn't be quite so taken with the kid.


musesfool November 12 2014, 18:17:08 UTC
I think the necklace both puts a glamor on things (so she sees Abraham and the baby instead of Headless and Moloch) and possibly messes with her head in other ways, too? It could be two things. But as much as I hate that they even brought it up, they did say she felt linked to fetus!Moloch, so that could be activated too.


spiralleds November 14 2014, 01:39:42 UTC
While Katrina was smiling at the "baby", we also had Crane's VO reminding himself (and us) that she's been a skilled spy in the past and he's gotta trust that she can be a convincing spy again. So I'm really hoping that her beatific smile was her spy acting skills.

Hawley grew on me a bit this last episode. But I have a weakness for hopeless crushes. However, when they first introduced him, all I could thing was, "Why exactly do we need another scruffy white guy? Is someone worried white men aren't going to have characters to identify with?"


viridian5 November 12 2014, 22:03:50 UTC
Katrina is so sunshine and rainbows about her children that it may have slipped her mind. Henry is her son and thus must be good at heart, so sorta her baby Moloch must be too! I don't even know with her. She has to know it's Moloch because otherwise her good-deep-down son is kidnapping babies for some (nefarious) reason. We know so little about who she really is as a person that it's hard to say what's her and what's something Henry might have done to her.


musesfool November 12 2014, 18:10:16 UTC
altho i read somewhere someone's theory that it's a studio decision, because it seems like the kind of stupid, boring, conventional plot contrivance that studio suits would insist on.

I've seen that speculation, but I also saw someone mention that the writers on twitter or something were annoyed and surprised that people didn't like Hawley or didn't like the #abbiemillsdeservesbetter hashtag or something. But it's all hearsay, and I can't remember where I read that.

lyndie greenwood got to be a regular on the show and in return she's only in like half the episodes! what's up with that? and the sisters' relationship is so good, and because they're neither mortal enemies nor best friends, it's actually kind of different.

Yeah, I thought the show has done a really good job with showing an antagonistic but still loving sisterly relationship, which you don't get to see a lot of on tv.


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