it's not warm when he's away

Sep 24, 2014 14:01

Board meeting this morning. It went well, but I didn't get to sit at my desk and eat breakfast until 12:15. Sigh.

SHIELD: Shadows
There were some minor improvements - I like Skye being more badass and training with May. I always like May, though that daytime fight scene with Absorbing Man was poorly choreographed. And I am always happy to have Reed Diamond on my TV, even if it is as an ageless Nazi. And Brett Dalton is awfully pretty with his prison beard. He still needs to DIAF though, preferably unredeemed. (Despite my many, many complaints about this show, can I just say a big THANK YOU SHOW for making it explicit YET AGAIN that HYDRA = NAZIS. I feel like we should print that out, apply it to a two by four, and start whacking the heads of people who are all, "...but Schmidt schismed with the Nazis in 1943!" To misquote B99+: "Crappy racist fascist ideology! Still Nazis!")

+Actual quote: "Cool motive! Still murder!"

But goddamn, why kill off Lucy Lawless (also, why put her in a terrible wig?) and keep random white dude alive? Why is he still here? (I get that he is some comics character, but I DON'T CARE. LUCY LAWLESS >>>> random white comics guy.) Why isn't Trip a regular? At least he has a personality.

I liked that Trip's general name badge said "Jones." Did he get Grampa's uni out of storage? I loved seeing Peggy, Morita and Dugan in the cold open. Yay Agent Carter and the Howling Commandos! Please don't suck!

I also like that they gave Talbot some characterization and for real, he is not wrong when looking at Coulson's team from the outside. Ugh, this show has made me hate Coulson. I don't know if it's just the writing, which often barely rises to the level of mediocre, or if they're intentionally doing it, but does he have NO CLUE why SHIELD was brought down? Because everything he did in this episode tells me that he doesn't understand at all. (I mean, I am also extrapolating that maybe Fury and Hill realized that Steve was right even before it turned out SHIELD was basically HYDRA, and that SHIELD oughtn't have had as much power and as little oversight as it did, but Coulson seems determined to replicate the whole megillah and that is just not on, not when I'm supposed to be rooting for him week after week. Ugh.) I really wish they'd used him instead of Sitwell in the movie as a HYDRA mole. It would have made so much sense and then at least I could hate him without feeling bad about it.

So I guess I'm going to go back to my previous plan of not talking about this show unless I either can't hold in the ranting anymore or I actually enjoy it. *hands* Because I feel like it has no distinguishing characteristic that makes it worth watching despite all the things I dislike. I mean, Sleepy Hollow is no great shakes in the writing department, but I enjoy how committed it is to its batshittery, and also all the relationships are awesome! Arrow had excellent fight scenes and mostly subtle comics Easter eggs (and the salmon ladder) to enjoy while it was finding its feet. Gotham has Fish Mooney and Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya (and at least some sense of visual style) to keep me around while it figures itself out. SHIELD has only its connection to the movies, and given that it seems to willfully misunderstand what happened in the last movie, I just am not feeling it. It doesn't even have a cool soundtrack to buoy it up when the dialogue is awful. I only keep up because I want to know what people are talking about.

Meh. To wash away the taste of disappointment, here are the links to to an interview Comics Alliance did with Greg Rucka (♥RUCKA♥) last week, about No Man's Land and Gotham Central: part 1, part 2, and part 3.

In other news, I am contemplating my yuletide noms. I'm waiting a bit because I am hoping someone who contributes to the spreadsheet will nominate Middleman and Ocean's 11 so I don't have to. I think right now I'm going with this:

Blue Beetle
Jaime Reyes
Paco Tejas
Brenda Del Vecchio
Milagro Reyes

Sgt. Jill Perez
Private Park
Private Robinson
Sergeant Major Cody

Montmaray Journals
Veronica FitzOsborne
Sophie FitzOsborne
Henrietta FitzOsborne
Julia Stanley Ross

I'm still thinking about my requests, though the Blue Beetle and Enlisted ones are pretty solid. Possibly I will ask for Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Or Middleman, especially with the new comic coming out soon.


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