i did not know it was love

Aug 20, 2014 10:55

Following on yesterday's post,
ellen_fremedon linked me to this pistachio petit-four cake, which is very like the cake of my dreams. *g* So at least there's a model for it, though I would do something slightly less complicated, I think.

In other news, Adrianne Palicki has been cast as Bobbi Morse, aka, Mockingbird, on SHIELD. Man, between her, Lucy Lawless, and Reed Diamond, they are making it very hard for me to not watch. I hope it goes well for her though, so those godawful pictures of her in that terrible cheap-ass Wonder Woman costume can go away. For all that I think SHIELD is not very good, it still seems miles better than that awful thing David E. Kelley wanted to pass off as Wonder Woman.

I just hope she's not a Skrull.


What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished

I was like, I don't think I've finished anything since last week, which should tell you what I thought of Full Fathom Five, which I did in fact finish in that time. I think the world-building was interesting but the characters just didn't engage. *hands* It was disappointing because I really liked the first two books. (Also, I feel like naming your book Full Fathom Five and then NOT having it be about pirates is kind of a bait-and-switch. I'm just saying.)

What I'm reading now

Kraken by China Mieville. I didn't love Railsea and I bounced hard off The City and the City a couple times (though I found my paperback copy recently, so maybe I'll give it another go? Third time is the charm?), so I am a Mieville skeptic. I mean, there's no question the man can write, but I found Railsea kind of cold in its cleverness.

Kraken isn't super emotionally engaging either but it's definitely entertaining, if you like crazy squid apocalypses and dudes who have fists for heads etc. I mean, he's super inventive, though kind of heavy-handed. It's like Gaiman without the demented glee (but also, I must admit, without the predictability; I enjoy Gaiman's writing a lot, but I feel at this point, having read a lot of it, I can usually figure out where it's going to go before it gets there). I'm also reminded of Nick Harkaway, who I highly recommend, in terms of sheer apocalyptic creativity, but I feel like Harkaway is way more delighted about what he's getting away with than Mieville. Mieville has a kind of cold gloom that even some of the zanier plot contrivances doesn't dispel. And woo boy are there zany plot contrivances piled one on top of the other.

I'm curious to see how it ends anyway, as it definitely has a not-insignificant amount of momentum going for it.

What I'm reading next

The Girl in the Road by Monica Byrne just came in from the library, so I guess it'll be that.


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, books, tv: shield, recipes

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