you are in love with all the world

Aug 17, 2014 22:44

Last night, L. and I went to a place down in the East Village - Phebe's. I'd never been there before but the French onion soup was excellent and so were the nachos. And the bus stop is right out front on the Bowery, so it was really easy to get home afterwards, too. I appreciate that. *g*


Legend of Korra: Ultimatum
I feel like lately every week all I can say is, "HOLY CRAP THIS SHOW," but basically that is where I'm at right now. I desperately hope they don't kill off Tenzin, but I also don't see how he's going to survive against all four members of the Red Lotus. Unless they decide to keep him alive as leverage, but Zaheer doesn't strike me as that stupid. (Otoh, killing him will also make Korra furious so I'm not sure keeping him alive isn't the wiser choice. I just don't want him to die. But that "I'll fight as long as I have breath" thing really is worrisome, considering what Zaheer did to the Earth Queen.) I did really enjoy seeing him school Zaheer in airbending, though. Zaheer might be a prodigy, but Tenzin is still a master. And that was the first real airbender v. airbender combat we've seen right? The fight choreography on this show - and on AtLA - has always been excellent, but I feel like this season it has been even more superlative. Having P'Li as air support was brilliant, too.

Now if only Jinora can have another crowning moment of awesome to earn the final notch to get her tattoos. I don't want Kai outshining her.

♥IROH♥ Though I was a little skeptical about Zuko being the one who knew Aang best. I mean, I'm not saying they weren't besties, 'cause they obviously were, but if you're going to foist Katara/Aang on us, I'd like to see her show up for the final battle here (I realize that Zuko was present for Korra to get advice from, but still! Maybe she's the one who trained Ming Hua so she could be the one to beat her. (I love that people are calling her scary octopus form Ming Huactopus.) Otoh, I don't want to see them kill off either Zuko or Katara (still hoping for Old People Love there), but I also have to wonder if we're not going to see Zuko and his daughter in the finale. Or Toph.

I am also loving Korra and Asami's friendship.

I know some people gave up on this show as a disappointment, but this season has been truly excellent, and I recommend it. I mean, they could still stumble at the finish line, which is what happened in season 1, but I feel like they've got a much better handle on things now than they did then or for a lot of season 2.


I watched a couple more episodes of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, and I have to say that I really love how she rescues herself, like, 99% of the time. Too often in our media, even women who are portrayed as kickass and competent somehow always have to be rescued by dudes, and this show is not having with that. I also love how fierce Dot is, especially when she surprises herself with it. ♥DOT♥


I did quite a bit of cooking today. I roasted some grape tomatoes since they were starting to look a little dodgy, and I'll have them later this week with some kind of pasta. And I made this bbq peach pulled chicken in the slow cooker. I also made some rice and packed it all in dishes to take for lunch this week. Four boneless chicken thighs filled five containers plus some left over for dinner one night.

And then I made a lemon ricotta cheesecake (pic) for breakfast this week, mostly because I had a craving for it (if you follow me on pinboard, you might have noticed. heh.) and it's pretty easy. I used a recipe from the book One Bowl Baking by Yvonne Ruperti, so I don't have a recipe to link you to (and I don't feel like typing it up, though I will upon request), but it's a pretty standard Italian cheesecake. My one complaint is having to put each egg in separately - it calls for SEVEN! - which means having to wash my hands seven times in the middle of making this thing so I don't get egg all over everything. (I mean, maybe you are an expert at cracking eggs without getting any of it on you, but even when I think I've succeeded, I still wash my hands because my parents made me paranoid about salmonella at a young age.) Anyway, it looks good and it smells good, and I'm looking forward to having it and also freezing some of it so I can have it later, too.


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