yes, you are only one. no, it is not enough.

Jul 25, 2014 17:58

My modem has been acting really wonky lately, so if I disappear over the weekend, it's probably because the internet is not working. I won't be home tomorrow anyway, and I haven't yet decided if I'm sleeping over my sister's or coming home tomorrow night.

I'm so tired of shitty, overpriced tech from TWC. Why can't things just work?


I posted a story last night:

I set fire to my maps (at AO3)
Captain America; Bucky/Natasha; adult; 3,575 words
In which Natasha's road trip of self-discovery intersects too frequently with the Winter Soldier's for it to be coincidence.

I like how it turned out, though ugh, I really should find people to beta for me again, because this morning I had to edit in a couple of missing words, and I also noticed some overuse of certain words that
laurificus would never have let me get away with.

Obviously, I feel confident enough to post without a beta most of the time, but having one makes a story better almost every time. That's one of the few bits of writing advice I've ever actually found useful, tbh. Another bit of writing advice I've found super useful - it's on my mind because I mentioned it to someone yesterday - is to start as close to the end as possible. Which is a tip from Kurt Vonnegut. (I also like, "try to leave out the parts readers skip" from Elmore Leonard, though I also think those parts tend to hinge on what you as a reader skip.)

Meanwhile, I am working on another story that grew out of some not-fic I posted on tumblr a while ago, and I can't find a title I like. The story is close to complete - it just needs the climax and resolution - but I've cycled through three or four titles now and while I like the one I've got now slightly more than the others, I still feel like it's not quite right. (The file, meanwhile, is called "bucky's boyfriend crisis," which sadly doesn't fit well enough either, or I'd use it.)

And I have once again run into a wall in the MCU/DCU crossover. I had such a great breakthrough last week, and then bam. I can't figure out how to move forward from there. Sigh. Writing is hard.


Also last night, I finished season 1 of The Musketeers. I really enjoyed it, though I don't really have anything to say. I could just look at their FAAAAACES forever. Nnnggghhh.

And while I was watching, I had Talenti black cherry gelato and while it was not as amazing as the black raspberry, it was pretty great. A++ Will eat again. Having made cherry ice cream that was only so-so (and which made a freaking MESS in the kitchen), I think I might just buy this one from now on when available. *g*


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technology is not my friend, tv: the musketeers, writing is hard!

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