and into the river we'd dive

Jul 23, 2014 15:35

What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished

I am finally finished with The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War. It was good at being a military history of the war in Europe and, to a lesser extent, North Africa, but I feel like it really skimped on the war in the Pacific. Which is fine for a book with the premise "why/how did Hitler lose the war?" (spoiler: the answer: he was a Nazi), but then don't title it the way it's titled. I am just saying. I also found it had a lot of dropped words and even dropped phrases from sentences, which is unacceptable for something I actually paid for. Also, there were a bunch of maps, but they weren't linked from the text or embedded in it, so they were pretty useless, since I didn't really know when to look at them. Which sounds way harsher than I mean it to! A solid 3 stars if you are looking for a military history of WWII in Europe. I did learn more about Stalingrad from it than from any of the other books I've read so far, so there's that.

What I'm reading now

The Steerswoman by Rosemary Kirstein, on the strong recommendation of several people on my flist over the years and what I believe was a rerelease via ebook? Anyway, I'm about halfway through and I'm enjoying it. Though I wouldn't mind a look at the maps they keep talking about. MAPS, PEOPLE. THEY MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER.

What I'm reading next

Probably the rest of the Steerswoman books that I have.


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