so where are the strong? and who are the trusted?

Jul 21, 2014 12:46

Last night, I had to take TWO benadryls to be able to sleep because I was suddenly attacked by HIVES at bedtime. I mean, I think they must have been hives, because there is no sign of welts this morning, which there would be if they were bites, and no itchiness (though I suppose that could be due to the zyrtec I take every morning), but last night at around 11 pm, the whole left side of my body felt like it'd been attacked by mosquitoes. Showering didn't help. Calamine lotion didn't help (note to self: buy more lotion). I even turned on the air conditioner even though it wasn't necessary to sleep, because sometimes being cold helps to stop the itching. (Being hot only makes it worse.) So I took one benadryl at bedtime but woke up two hours later STILL ITCHY. So I took another benadryl, even though normally I wouldn't do that, for fear of sleeping through my alarm. Luckily, I was in bed early enough that a double dose of benadryl wore off around 6:45 (I somehow always seem to wake up ~4 hours after I've taken it, like it really only does work for that long or something), so I was able to wake up easily with my alarm and avoid most of the fuzziness often associated with using benadryl. But ugh, this happens at least once every summer, and I don't know what causes it. It's not close enough in time to be something from food, and it's not regular or consistent enough to be something from soap/shampoo etc. I wonder if it could be hormonal? I'd say stress (I do sometimes get hives when I'm stressed), but I was particularly mellow (for a Sunday night) last night, with no real work deadlines hanging over my head, and all of the urgent stuff cleared off my desk as of Friday.


Question for the old flist: I know that DC comics exist in the Marvelverse (both 616 [Peter claiming he's Batman] and Ultimate [Peter wishing to join the Teen Titans]) (hmm...I sense a theme there...), but do Marvel comics exist in the DCU? Even if they're not called that? (Like, they could be Timely comics, I guess?)

I ask because I'm poking at one of my old wsip - the one where ultimate!Peter wakes up in the (preboot) DCU - and he knows all about Batman etc. via comics, but I don't know if Dick et al. are familiar with Spider-Man. I'm tending to think not? I think that is what I'm going with in the story, anyway, because I can't remember otherwise, but is there any canon that would settle the issue? (Not that I, obviously, care that much about canon when it comes to comics, but it does inform my decision. And I don't mean the actual canon crossovers either. I mean where the Marvel characters exist as comics characters, not real people, in the DCU.)


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