oh, if I knew where it was I would take you there

Jul 02, 2014 11:05

Yesterday afternoon, we got an email at work announcing that they were dedicating the large conference room to the USA v. Belgium match and we could go watch if we wanted. I wasn't going to until Boss1 mentioned there was beer, so I managed to time it so I walked in at halftime - right when the connection cut out and the IT guys had to fiddle to get the stream back - and drank half a Stella before I left for the day. And the game had just ended when I got home and put the tv on to see how it turned out. I'm amused, mostly because soccer is one sport I have no interest in. Got half a free beer out of it, though!

And then I had a long conversation with my brother about the house (a closing date is now tentatively set, but in consultation with the lawyer, I'm still signing my lease and not trying to rush anything, because of the three-month look-back they subject you to when you apply for a mortgage [I had thought it was two months, so I wasn't completely unaware, at least]) and the disposition of the money thereafter. I feel like I've spent a lot of time on the IRS website, looking up the tax implications of various scenarios, for my own peace of mind, even though there is a lawyer and an accountant involved somewhere in all of it.

Tonight, I'm meeting old college friends who are in town from London at our old college bar, which is no longer the grimy dive it was twenty years ago when we drank our faces off there every Thursday night, at least if anything at that link is true. THEY SERVE BRUNCH. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THAT.

But we're not meeting until 8, so I have to decide if I want to go home and then come back out, or if I should just go see a movie in that neighborhood to kill the time. Right now I'm leaning towards movie. Mostly because once I get home, I find it really difficult to go back out. *is old*


Wednesday book meme:

What I've just finished

Since last week, I've torn through He Shall Thunder in the Sky, Lord of the Silent, The Golden One, and Children of the Storm. I have to give MPM credit here - these are all a lot of fun, and I think I at some point accused her of forgetting about Sennia, but she's pretty present in this run of books, before David John and Charla [who is confusingly called "Carla" in this ebook version I'm reading] take over. I think without the ragey disappointment about Nefret's behavior - just pretend she didn't do it - it's a lot easier to enjoy these books, especially once Sethos becomes a more regular presence. And I have to say, I did not remember the plots of these later books at all (e.g., Ramses behind Turkish lines in The Golden One), which made this reread more compelling than it might have been.

What I'm reading now
I'm about two-thirds of the way through The Serpent on the Crown, which I also don't remember much of. I wonder how much Amelia's comments about Dedicated Readers are about MPM's fans.

What I'm reading next
The Tomb of the Golden Bird, in which Howard Carter finally discovers King Tut's tomb. After that, I don't know.


Since I forgot yesterday, the June 2014 writing roundup:

I'll give you my heart to make a place (@ AO3)
Captain America; Steve/Bucky; adult; 5,725 words
The one thing Bucky knows is that he never wants to hurt Steve.

Thanks again for the lovely comments. I really appreciate them.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/673656.html.
people have commented there.

monthly writing roundup, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, amelia peabody, life, books, work

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