there is a deeper wave than this

May 14, 2014 12:20

items, in list form:

1. I thought Blueshirt Banter really captured my feelings going into last night's game in this paragraph:
I had almost talked myself into Game 7 being gravy. Dad and I talked about it the night before, how we were just proud they forced the series to go to the limit after everything they had been through as a unit. But the closer I got to the game the more I realized how badly I wanted it for so many reasons. It was Martin St. Louis putting his heart on the line, scoring on Mother's Day and telling the locker room how proud he was to be an F-ing Ranger. It was Henrik Lundqvist being fined $5,000 for squirting a water bottle while Sidney Crosby didn't get so much as a second look for a dangerous slew foot on Dan Girardi and a spear to the happy place against Dom Moore. It was Evgeni Malkin guaranteeing a Game 7 victory. It was the Penguins, their smugness, their fans smugness and everything else about that rivalry. It was a chance to complete a comeback after being down 3-1 for the first time in franchise history. It was a chance to beat the Penguins in the playoffs for the first time in franchise history. It was a lot of things.

I kept saying it to
amberlynne - that I would be sad but not disappointed if the Rangers lost, because I honestly never expected them to win. I didn't even want to hope (though as I posted to tumblr, I was covered in cheeto dust and hope at the beginning) because it hurts more then when you lose.

But I had kind of a big deja vu moment last night because it was 20 years ago this May that I moved into my first apartment, and it was during the Rangers legendary Cup run, and I didn't even have a tv hooked up yet, so I watched most of those playoffs at my parents' house and then walked home every other night dreaming of winning.

I don't know what'll happen this year, but I'm so glad that there are at least four more games to find out.

2. Since I was watching the game and then the post-game, I didn't get to see SHIELD, but I've read spoilers and I can't say I'm not happier with my choice. I have dinner plans tonight, but I am antsy about the Arrow finale. And I still have to see last week's The Good Wife. So much TV!

3. In addition to the shameful amount of cheetos I ate last night (man, I had such a craving! I haven't had them in years! and it'll probably be a few more years before I have them again!), I also bought some Talenti raspberry sorbet and oh my god, it was so good. I've had a lot of success with ice creams, but I've found that sorbet has been more difficult to make, because of its tendency to freeze hard and get icy. Aside from the grapefruit champagne sorbet, which never completely freezes because of all the alcohol, I've found the most success with doing them as granitas instead, and even there, it's not always successful (though the lemon ice I made at Christmas turned out well, I thought). Anyway, someone on my flist had talked about how good Talenti was (vonniek I think?), and I can confirm that the raspberry sorbet is excellent.

4. Reading meme!

What I've just finished

A reread of Witches Abroad, which I enjoyed even more the second time around.

What I'm reading now

I started Superheroes Union: Dynama by Ruth Diaz, a novella about a Latina superhero/single mom, but I feel like the romance (f/f!) happened way too quickly - I put it down at the sex scene and haven't picked it back up yet. Also, some annoying instances of "the taller woman" and "the other woman" in the narration. Sigh.

I also started Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age by Modris Eksteins, which is interesting so far, but I was slightly taken aback that the first 60 pages are actually about Stravinsky's Rites of Spring, and a lot about Diaghilev as well. It was easy enough to go with the flow, though, especially since I didn't know most of that stuff about the response when it premiered, and once the chapter on Berlin started, more familiar stuff started being talked about (i.e., the July crisis).

What I'm reading next

As always, I never know.

sisi_rambles recorded podfic of So you better lay your money down, my Avengers chain-of-favors story. Yay!


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sports, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, books, adventures in cooking, podfic, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend

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