and everything you love will break

May 08, 2014 12:39

Dear fandom,

I know we don't agree on much, but can we agree that Steve Rogers would never in a million years become a Yankees fan? One of the only things that hasn't changed in the 70 years he was gone was being able to unabashedly hate the Yankees! Especially for an old-time Brooklyn Dodgers fan! You can pick any other team for him to root for (though I would suggest sticking with the NL - I don't see him being a big fan of the DH), EXCEPT the Yankees (and probably the Giants, because rivalry). Whenever someone ascribes Yankee-fandom to him in fic, it completely jars me out of the story!




Arrow: Streets of Fire
That seemed like a lot of noise to set up the finale. I'm not saying it didn't have some great moments - Felicity ramming Isabel with the van while Isabel was villain-monologuing, Detective Lance getting his detective's shield back again (and whatever his speech was - I couldn't understand one word in three of it), Malcolm Merlyn's return and THEA SHOOTING HIM, Sebastian Blood's heel-turn but still crazyfaceness that he'd be allowed to remain mayor (and his role will come out, unless someone steals the mask and we get a new brother Blood/man in the skull mask next season). Plus, Sara and Laurel had a lovely moment where I could forgive them for having Laurel survive the cave in (I'm still not sure I can forgive them for having her be able to draw Ollie's bow, though.), though the bit with the lady cop going, "She was a hero!" was a bit much. Anvils, we have them! It's like the CW doesn't want you to forget that yes, this is on the CW. But I feel like it was still mostly pyrotechnics to move things into place. I guess they can't sustain the emotional intensity of the last two episodes forever.

Now I'm hoping that we'll see Sara's "death" in the flashback, but they'll fake us out and she'll live through the finale, but have to go back with Nyssa, in return for Nyssa (and other League members?) showing up to help with saving the city.

I was sad Sin wasn't up in the clocktower, waiting to help out.

Anatoly! How so adorable!?

Amanda Waller sure likes her drone strikes. (I would love to see the JLU/MCU crossover where Waller and Fury compete their way up the shady spy organization ladder.) I wonder if they're setting up a real No Man's Land scenario. (I feel like they could do it much better than TDKR did.)

Basically I loved everything about Felicity in this episode and was torn on whether to hope she and Ollie would finally kiss, but that hug was good. A forehead kiss would have really worked for me, though.

Slade! I am so sad this is probably going to end with him dead because I really wanted him to end up in that morally gray/merc for hire/not really evil but not a good guy place. (And I don't think this show is going to ever revive him via Trigon, ala Teen Titans Go, so.) And when Blood said, "We had a deal!" I totally wanted him to say, "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." I also loved his brilliantly over the top delivery of this one: "As of tomorrow night, it will be nothing but rubble, ash, and death, a land only good for one thing: graves." Manu Bennett is KILLING IT. He needs to star in some kind of action/romance so we can see him use that voice for good.

I don't get what Isabel is getting out of all this, but I bet she sees ghostly Robert Queen telling her to stick it to his damn family. They just can't get the actor back to do it.

Season finale next week. I don't know if I can take it!


So my remix finally has an ending, but it still needs polishing up. Why is writing so hard? Sigh.


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tv: arrow, this is captain america calling, the futility of being a mets fan, writing is hard!

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