that this body could matter after that body didn't

Apr 05, 2014 16:44

Ugh, yesterday I was so exhausted that I was like a computer with the spinny beach ball every time someone asked me a question: moment please...

And today, my dad has been having a bad day, mostly because he has stopped using his CPAP machine, but it's just been difficult to manage him, because the realtor has begun showing the house. Today and tomorrow I'm getting him out - we went grocery shopping this afternoon and we're going to dinner for this evening's showing, and the movies tomorrow morning, but ugh. I also don't want to be here while people judge us. So awkward.

Anyway, I did have things other than Cap 2 to post about, but I'm not sure I really remember them?

There was this week's Arrow, which was most excellent.

1. SLADE MOTHERFUCKING WILSON. Man, Manu Bennett is KILLING it this season. Slade may be crazy, but he's crazy like a fox, you know?

2. MOIRA QUEEN. Man, she doesn't get enough to do on this show, but I thought she really sold her scenes with Ollie this week. And Amell has been so good! I am so impressed with how he's improved over the course of the show.

3. I really need Thea to learn ALL the secrets now. Especially since Laurel knows now! I feel HIJINKS WILL ENSUE and they will be deadly for a lot of people. Will Thea's kidnapping being all over the news bring Malcolm Merlyn back to town? Will Thea seek him out? Either way, it should be fun!

4. Summer Glau finally got to beat Ollie up! I'm so glad she's not Talia! I'm guessing Robert Queen either screwed over her family (most likely) or is her father (ACTUAL INCEST ON THE SHOW WHAT), given the "sins of the father" line.

5. I've really come to enjoy both Det. Lance and Anatoli Knyazev.

6. I loved Felicity and Diggle being in the Arrow Cave for Ollie at the end of this episode. He's lost faith in himself as everyone else has lost faith in him, because oh my god, Ollie, your heart is in the right place but you make TERRIBLE TERRIBLE decisions. But Felicity and Diggle are there for him! ♥TEAM ARROW OT3♥

Also, Wednesday night, I went to dinner and a movie with former co-worker R., and even though I suggested both Grand Budapest Hotel and Muppets Most Wanted, she chose Noah. Oy. It wasn't bad, but my god, I think we were in the theater for the full 40 days and nights of the storm. No, really, though, it was long. And they still couldn't be bothered to give Noah's long-suffering wife a name, though Jennifer Connolly does get some nice scenes. And they basically cut the younger sons' wives out of the picture altogether. Well, sort of. More on that below. Ray Winstone looks like he's having a ball chewing the scenery though.

Also, I never pictured the nephilim as giant rock trolls. The effect when they finally shed their earthly coatings was nice though.

Also, also, having also recently watched Snowpiercer, which is basically the story of Noah except on a train and with more people and less god, I can say without doubt - and I never thought this would be something I would HAVE to say - that I am 100% done with threatening babies as a plot point. Can you just not? It didn't work for me in Snowpiercer and it wasn't even explicitly on screen, but in Noah, it was and just. Do not want.

I also have a lot of issues with Noah's interpretation of whatever God was telling him, because if we're accepting the existence of the creator and that he sends visions/instructions to the chosen among his faithful, how would Ila get pregnant if God didn't will it? Could Methuselah really derail God's plan? Like, the fact that she got pregnant at all should have been seen as a miracle from God, telling Noah that he'd done the right thing and now man would get a second chance, but he seemed to be very limited in his view of what God wanted. And of course it came at the expense of the women. Every threat he made to Ila and her unborn babies, and then when he finally came around to it, he was all, "they will be wives for my sons, they will be fruitful and multiply." Ugh. I mean, I know that was basically the sons' wives function in the story anyway, but it just made me queasy when he said it, especially after repeatedly threatening to kill them.

So that happened.


Today's poem:

Anatomy Lessons
by Lindsay Illich

That you thought china bones
existed only in the bodies of dolls-
that's one. Ligature for elegy.

The body of you and this body.
The body of you and other bodies.
The body of you making bodies

of all bodies. A leg crooked
over your hip. Tonight, clavicle.
Tonight, sweet tendon. Tonight

the chuffing away degrees
of separation. That you thought
a body permeable, soluble

as salt, that this body could
matter after that body didn't-
that's two. We are sealed.

Hermetic as walnuts.
A cast of bodies lying in dust
along the smooth edge

of a headboard, along
the winter curve of wrist.
That you thought your body

godlike, plunging your hands
in its dust and making of it
another body-that's three.


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national poetry month 2014, life, poetry, tv: arrow, movies

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