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lembeau March 19 2014, 22:22:36 UTC
I really didn't want to watch this ep cuz of the rapey overtones with Lydia (AGAIN) and then when I saw where it was going and it was just NO NO NO NO all the way through. I am beyond angry right now. When I watched it last night I was kind of numb and resigned. Today I may have cried a bit at all the lovely gifs of Allison. This shit happens all the damn time. Every single damn time. We don't get to have nice things because we are apparently underserving of it. The only thing we are good for as women, in media, is to be victims or to further manpain. I'm so tired of all of this shit. Today I'm just so sad. Seriously, fuck all the JD apologists and screw him.

WTH are the murder twins still alive? Somebody's after them? Good, I hope they have better aim and finish them. And why the hell is DEREK the one saving them? Why the fuck should he even bother? These two forcefully made him the instrument of death for his pack mate, whom they murdered and have never showed any remorse for. Why should he even spit in their direction if they caught fire? Mainly I don't understand why they are alive and Allison is dead. Why any of these men are alive and any of the women are dead. And how the hell did Papa McCall survive a sword through the body but not Allison? Riiight.

As far as I know, Scott and Stiles got Allison to the Nemeton in time and it brought her back to life.


musesfool March 25 2014, 17:04:42 UTC
WTH are the murder twins still alive? Somebody's after them? Good, I hope they have better aim and finish them.

Yeah, that is some bullshit.

And how the hell did Papa McCall survive a sword through the body but not Allison? Riiight.

Apparently a Y chromosome protects you from all sorts of things on this show!


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