i let your soldiers in my fort

Mar 17, 2014 14:03

I am now two episodes behind on The Good Wife *sigh* but I caught up with Community. I don't have much to say in the way of spoilers, but the one thing Dan Harmon's return has done is make things 1000% better for Britta. She was awesome in all three episodes. I also loved that Shirley got some screen time, as they have never used her enough, I think, and I love her relationship with Jeff.

The other thing I did this weekend was watch all eight episodes of Enlisted, which is hilarious and adorable. I don't think it merits quite the steady stream of A-minuses on AV Club (or an actualfax A[!!!]), but I laughed a lot. (The whole sausagefest exchange, culminating in, "At least I didn't let a bunch of old men trick me into giving them a Hummer." made me laugh so hard I choked, as did the discussion in an earlier episode of how to kill someone with a bag of oranges), I teared up a couple times, and I definitely enjoyed Parker Young's shirtlessness.

It's about three brothers - Pete, Derrick, and Randy - all of whom are in the Army. The show opens with Pete in Afghanistan, but he gets sent home for punching out a superior officer, and reassigned to Rear Detachment in Florida, which he hates, because he feels like he's a real soldier in amongst the losers. It also reunites him with his brothers. They're totally believable as brothers, and a lot of the emotional stuff stems naturally from that relationship. And it has Keith David as their commanding officer, and he is killing it.

The episodes are airing out of order, because FOX, so if you're starting it now - it's all up on Hulu - this is the order it was aired: Pilot,5,2,9,1,4,3,6. Wikipedia has an episode list, so you can figure out what the correct order is. though I guess 7 and 8 will also be out of order when they air. It's not continuity heavy, but there is one relationship that gets all out of whack because of it.

Unfortunately, in addition to being shown out of order, it airs on Friday nights, so it's not doing well in the ratings, and is unlikely to be renewed, which is a shame. I get why no one is watching it - only
innie_darling's repeated hyping of it got me to watch, because the few commercials for it made it seem unbelievably cringe-worthy but it's not! It's totally enjoyable (though I wish they'd flesh out the ensemble a little more - I need more Park and Robinson!), and I think it would make a great timeslot buddy for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which has a similar hilarious-with-a-heart vibe. I think B99 is funnier? but Enlisted did make me laugh a lot. I mean, it's not MASH or Stripes, but it's definitely got a similar vibe (and the showrunners cited both of those as inspirations, which is clear from watching), though if you're looking for a sharp satire or a scathing indictment of the US military-industrial complex, this is not that show. It's mostly funny and sweet and comes at some heavier emotional items under those terms.


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tv: enlisted, tv: community

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