there's so many times I've let you down

Mar 12, 2014 13:29

Last night, I had two separate dreams in which I stayed up all night (one to cook/prepare for a party, and the second to actually have a party) and was like, I'm so exhausted but I can't take a day off! I'm tired, I guess. I don't even know.

I also don't even know how SHIELD is so terribly written. Ugh. Next week they're showing some hour long advertisement for Cap 2, and then the movie will be out and I will no longer feel like I need to watch in case I miss something important to the movie. (My other reason for watching - to see if I actually thought it was getting better when people said it was getting better - no longer exists, because 1. no one is saying that, and 2. there's no way I will ever believe it, unless they nuke it from orbit and only May and Simmons survive. Not even Sif could salvage last night's trainwreck. I keep hearing CJ Cregg in my head: "It's bad, Toby. It's just bad." I don't even know if she ever said that, except I can hear her saying it, so. That is my feeling about it. It's bad, and worse, it's not bad in a fun, entertaining way. It's just bad. Prayer circle that Peggy Carter's show doesn't suck like this.)

In more appealing Marvel talk, Michael B. Jordan and Chris Evans: Two Torches, No Waiting. Such handsome young men! Also, 1. Johnny Storm would TOTALLY sleep with his reboot-universe self, and 2. CAP AND PATRIOT: Y/MFY?

Speaking of Cap 2, is it time for me to blacklist all Cap 2 spoiler talk on tumblr? I feel like it might be. I already saw something - not a spoiler itself, but someone's reaction to something I am guessing was a spoiler, which I clicked on because it wasn't tagged and I thought it was about something else - and it made me all tense and squirmy to even know that someone else had feelings about something, so. Maybe tonight I will blacklist all the various terms, though I can't quite decide if I have to blacklist Captain America and Winter Soldier, which would basically reduce my dash to gifs of puppies and Teen Wolf (my own tumblr is basically nothing but Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Scarlett Johansson, in character and out, and puppies). And I still have a whole draft folder FULL of Cap 2 trailer-type spoiler gif sets, so I could just reblog those and not go on tumblr at all, which is kind of what I did before Avengers, iirc.

It's a weird place to be in, since obviously, I know the basic outlines of part of the story at least, but. I just want to have my mind blown and my heart broken without any further knowledge than I have right now. I dunno. Thoughts?

Anyway, I did enjoy last night's Brooklyn Nine Nine. I like that the writers are smart enough to know that making Peralta a truly good friend to Boyle is the way to make him less obnoxious and more likeable than I ever thought an Andy Samberg character could be! Also, Manitoba sauce pie! Reader, I laughed.

Also, Amy's hangry breakdown was hilarious, but I kind of hate that they never debunked the bullshit of fad diets or touched on how fucked up expectations of women's body/body image is in this country, because Terry's wife looked fantastic when we saw her (Merrin Dungey for the win!) and him starving himself in support of her starving herself is just...ishy even though it was meant to be sweet.

DIAZ AND HOLT. "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "That's the one." *dies* And also, "I'll try. I'm sorry." "Diaz, please. No need to make a scene." ♥♥♥ And the green pen line! Now I really want to see Rosa's book club.


Yesterday was beautiful, and today is pretty warm, but apparently we're supposed to drop from 59 - 18 overnight and get sleet and freezing rain. DO NOT WANT. MARCH, STOP THIS NONSENSE IMMEDIATELY. I DO NOT APPROVE.


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tv: brooklyn nine-nine, tv: shield, this is captain america calling, dreams

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