another day older and deeper in debt

Mar 10, 2014 12:29

Oy, Monday. How about some bullet points since my brain is basically mush?

+ They did some sort of email server switch over the weekend here at NNP and now email and calendars and contacts are all wonky for everybody. Technology giveth, and technology taketh away.

+ Yesterday, for this week's lunch, I made baked wonton ravioli (pics). Super easy, and super tasty. I made the whole package of wonton wrappers (~50) since I had enough cheese filling to fill them all - what I didn't pack up for lunch we ate as snacks and with dinner.

+ I am two episodes behind on Teen Wolf and Community (victims of my Life rewatch), and now I'm one episode behind on The Good Wife, because I can't watch it at my dad's. Sigh. Hopefully it started on time and the DVR caught it.

+ Go vote/comment in the remix qualifying fandoms poll. (As an aside, I am so glad I am no longer running remix. So glad.)



+ In honor of that, I had a brilliant idea this morning: once the movie is out, someone should vid the Winter Soldier to "Sixteen Tons" (the Tennessee Ernie Ford version, for preference). "IF YOU SEE ME COMING, BETTER STEP ASIDE. / A LOT OF MEN DIDN'T, / A LOT OF MEN DIED. / ONE FIST OF IRON, THE OTHER OF STEEL. / IF THE RIGHT ONE DON'T GET YOU / THEN THE LEFT ONE WILL." I AM JUST SAYING. And obv. the company store is variously the US Govt when he's Bucky during WWII, then whoever is running him as the Winter Soldier, and then at the very end, if/when he gets his memories back, I would make it Steve/SHIELD.

+ I also posted a story yesterday:

jump in the saddle, hold onto the bridle (@ AO3)
Avengers; Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult; 1,350 words
Steve could do this all day.

Nothing but OT3 porn. I would say I'm sorry for the earworm, but I'm really not. I've been singing it for days.

And though this is not that story, at some point I will write the "Bucky and Natasha test out Steve's enhanced endurance with sex" story. Because of course they do. ♥OT3♥ I just have to work up to writing that much porn all at once.


This entry at DW:
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, bucky barnes has a robot arm, adventures in cooking, work, you should totally write that

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