a glass of wine in her hand

Mar 03, 2014 16:24

I was caught up in my Life rewatch and didn't really stop for the Oscars, but it doesn't sound like I missed much. I got to see the dresses on tumblr, and that is the best part, so I feel like I made a sound life choice there.

I still stayed up later than I should have, and now I'm ready to fall asleep at my desk, but at least I think I've done everything I could to make sure tomorrow's board meeting goes off without a hitch. Of course, that means I have to be up an hour earlier than usual to get here by 8 am, so I might just go to bed after dinner. Or skip dinner altogether in favor of bed. Right now, that sounds like the best option, to be honest.

In other news, yesterday, I made lasagna rollups (pic) for lunch this week, and they are good! But not helping with my sleepiness situation. When I saw the recipe, I was like, 1. WHY DID I NEVER THINK OF THIS BEFORE? and 2. I AM TOTALLY NOT USING COTTAGE CHEESE. (The recipe on the Kitchn called for cottage cheese. In lasagna. WHY? What manner of person chooses cottage cheese over ricotta in lasagna? NO ONE I FEEL ABLE TO TRUST, THAT'S WHO.)

Anyway, my recommendation is use whatever you usually use in lasagna (please don't tell me if it includes cottage cheese), but instead of constructing a tray in the usual layered fashion, spread it on the already cooked noodles and then roll them up and put them in the tray like that, then drizzle with sauce, sprinkle some shredded mozzarella on top, and bake for 20 minutes at 350°F. As I said in my tumblr post, I think this would be an easy way to serve a bunch of people dinner - rather than having to make a couple trays of something and then cut them up to serve, you get individual servings of one or two rollups (or three if you're hungry) and with ~24 noodles in a box of lasagna, you could serve 10 or 12 people, especially if you added meat (or meat substitute) and salad on the side, plus antipasto and dessert.

There, I've solved your next dinner party problem. I DO IT ALL FOR YOU, MULDER.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/643361.html.
people have commented there.

adventures in cooking, work, my life so hard

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