i don't even know if i'm doing it right

Feb 22, 2014 13:56

Taxes filed yay! There were some tense moments where Turbo Tax wouldn't validate because it kept telling me there were updates to download, but when I tried to download any updates, it told me there weren't any. So I shut it down and reopened it and let it run through its usual update procedure, and then my taxes were filed. Refunds coming my way, oh yeah.

In other news, as a break between giant books about WWII, I have been rereading Band of Brothers (I kind of forgot how much more Webster there is in the book; also this ebook version is riddled with OCR errors - I read it in paperback the first time), and last night I started a rewatch and I am kind of overwhelmed again with Dick Winters feels. It's not that I actually ship him with Nixon, in the sense that I want to read or write about it? And also even though he's played by Damian Lewis (my god, so young and handsome!), I never feel like there is any sexual energy at all to Winters? But I kind of totally ship it in a MFEO/it doesn't matter if they have sex or not way. (Though I still don't really have any interest in reading the fic. *hands* Except for the crossover where Winters meets (and mentors?) Steve Rogers. SOMEONE WRITE THIS FOR ME, PLEASE. I have a lot of thoughts about the timeline that might be helpful.) I also forgot how much "Crossroads" just lingers endlessly on the angles of his FACE, and oh, what a face it is. *dreamy sigh*

Maybe I will rewatch Life next for more ridiculously engaging Damian Lewis.

Ha! "Ain't Even Done with the Night" by John Mellencamp (while he was still John Cougar). You know this was totally Clint's jam in high school (it was already a few years old by then, too). Oh, who am I kidding? It's probably still on his makeouts playlist. I am just saying.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/641593.html.
people have commented there.

tv: band of brothers, technology is not my friend, life, clint barton's unwise decisions, this is captain america calling, you should totally write that

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