didn't know it was a devil town

Dec 16, 2013 13:38

I discovered last night that my yuletide had a bit of a structural issue, but then the Psych musical episode was on, so I ended up staying up later than planned to fix it (my yuletide story, not the episode! heh. and the story doubled in size! Oy!). It might still need some smoothing but now it is no longer Tuesday twice, nor it is Tuesday in the morning and Sunday in the evening.

I don't know why, in a story that is not more than 3000 words, I can't keep better track of when things are happening. I mean, I know the order they happen in, but for some reason I'll say it's October in the opening paragraph and then suddenly it's December two pages later, even though only three days have passed! Even after I've reread the story over to start writing again!

This is, for me, one of the main reasons I need a beta and why I miss not having a regular one these days. I'm not worried much about my grammar and I can live with the occasional awkward phrasing (or, you know, I can edit those things later), but I'm bad at these kinds of issues and I don't always remember to check for them when I'm editing, because I pay more attention to word choice and phrasing. *hands* We all have our weaknesses, I guess. (Don't fret, unknown yuletide recipient! It's totally going to at least one beta when it's done!)

Anyway, the Psych musical was on last night! I have never watched the show regularly, and I haven't watched it even sporadically the past couple of seasons, but when
amberlynne reminded me it was on last night, I totally turned to USA network so I could watch it, and I'm glad I did, because how charming is Dulé Hill? SO CHARMING. "Jamaican Inspector Man" at the end was worth the whole two hours, which was slight but enjoyable. Who knew I'd be sad to see Yang go? And who knew Lassie could tango?


31 Days of December meme:

12/16: soundslikej asked about favorite OT3s and why.

Oh man, I totally ship a handful of OT3s like it's my JOB. The first trio I shipped as an OT3 was Harry/Ron/Hermione, because OBVIOUSLY. I mean, WHO ELSE understands what Harry's been through, what he's had to do and what's been done to him? And the thing about H/R/Hr to me is that it seems like it could work as an ongoing relationship, because they've already spent all that time negotiating their friendship. Oddly enough this is one of the few Ot3s I ship where I don't ship all sides individually - I am really anti-Harry/Hermione, to be honest, if Ron isn't there. But the three of them together? Sign me up!

Then there's Parker/Hardison/Eliot from Leverage, which is basically confirmed in the show, and which is a lovely, lovely thing.

I also ship various combinations of Robins (and occasional friends) - I mean, Dick Grayson is a walking poster for polyamory, and I totally ship Dick/Kory/Donna(/Roy, though I do like Roy with Cheshire). and Dick/Jason/Steph* and Dick/Babs/Jason, and in a V formation, Dick/Babs/Dinah (not that Dick and and Dinah wouldn't, but the emotional connections are all with Babs), and in the Teen Titans animated universe, Robin/Raven/Starfire. And speaking of Bats, of course I ship Bruce/Clark/Lois (I don't really ship Bruce/Clark/Diana because LOIS, but you can add Diana in with the three of them).

*I find other inter-Robin relationships with additional members are more of an occasional thing - Tim and Kon with Steph (or Cassie, or Bart), or Steph and Damian with Jason, or Steph and Cass with Kara. Non-Robin relationships like Cassie/Cissie/Anita are also of the good.

I couldn't talk about the DCU without mentioning Jaime/Paco/Brenda (with Khaji Da adding commentary), because I ship it like FedEx. BFF TRIO.

And of course, Oliver/Diggle/Felicity! What a great team they are, and how well do Felicity and Dig handle Ollie? He needs them both so much and they can support each other when he's out being the vigilante and and ugh, they push all my OT3 buttons! The show also clearly wants me to ship Sin/Roy/Thea, because have you seen them? Come on!

And then there's my main and current fandom, Avengers, in which Steve/Bucky/Natasha IS RIGHT THERE, PEOPLE. WHY IS IT SO UNDER REPRESENTED IN FIC**? IT MAKES ME SO SAD. CAPTAIN AMERICA AND HIS EX-RUSSIAN ASSASSINS. STEVE AND BUCKY AND BUCKY AND NATASHA AND NATASHA AND STEVE - I LOVE ALL SIDES EQUALLY AND FEROCIOUSLY AND ALL OF THEM TOGETHER EVEN MORE. Again, it's a matter of understanding to some degree what the others have been through and how it influences/affects them now. I have high hopes for Captain America/Winter Soldier on all sides, and have my fingers crossed that more fic will be written once it comes out. I still need a tumblr tag for them.

**Only 52 completed stories on the AO3 (and 5 of them are mine, so where's the fun for me in that?) and who knows how many of them are just "implied" or "background"? (I didn't count) THAT IS NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH FOR SUCH AN AWESOME THREESOME. Why does fandom not bow to my whims? Note: this is really not the place to tell me why you don't like my OT3.

I also like Steve/Bucky/Peggy, which is even less prevalent, but also harder to fit into the timeline.

I also ship Tony/Pepper/Bruce and Tony/Pepper/Rhodey, but without the same heartclenchy neediness I have for Steve/Bucky/Natasha, which I think is what makes it an real OT3 instead of just a trio I enjoy reading about sometimes. (Otoh, I do have that feeling for Tony/Pepper as a pairing, seriously hardcore. You can add Rhodey or Bruce or Maya Hansen, but you cannot ever remove Pepper ever ever ever.)

As you can probably tell from this list, I really dig M/M/F and the occasional F/F/M trios, but I am not interested in shipping M/M/M trios***. They just don't do it for me emotionally. At least, I haven't found one yet that does.

***I mean, I've enjoyed James/Remus/Sirius, for example, as a one-off, but not as an endgame thing. Unless Lily is there.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/623852.html.
people have commented there.

tv: psych, writing: structure, memes: 31 days of december, writing is hard!, otp/shipping

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