where she is now I can only guess

Dec 11, 2013 12:46

I don't understand why the filter_id method of excluding things from searches has suddenly stopped working for me on AO3. It's bad enough I have to re-input it every time I re-open Firefox, even though I have the the script to save it installed. Arrgh. I mean, I'm also irritated because there is so little new fic posted that I want to read! But that I can't do anything about beyond what I already do (try to encourage people to write the things I like! and write them myself!).

I guess I have to go back to typing in the names, but that then excludes stories that don't actually include the ship, which is really fucking irritating. (I know this because when I save it as a global filter, it excludes THREE OF MY OWN STORIES from my works page. And I have never used the tag on any of them.)

Technology is not my friend. Sigh.

One day, I hope it will be possible to tag things as "main" vs. "past" or however in a way that means you only turn up things that are actually about the ship you want to read, and not about how it happened a long time ago or how it broke up in favor of the ship you want to exclude. I am just saying. (I realize this is only a problem if you have very strong NOTPs, but I do! And it's all about me!)

And while I'm wishing for that, maybe someday people will stop reccing ship fic as gen, especially if the author labels it with a pairing and it has porn for that pairing in it! (I mean, I am not going to reopen the debate about whether gen can have porn in it - I believe that it can, under various circumstances - but when you are very definitely trying to avoid a pairing, it is annoying to click on something someone recommended as gen and discover no! it is about/contains the pairing you're trying to avoid! What that means then is I now avoid recs by that person instead. Sigh. So I guess in that sense it's useful information, but it sure got my hopes up, only to be dashed, before I learned my lesson.)


12/11: kita0610 asked me to talk about Sleepy Hollow, specifically Crane's wardrobe.

I get the complaints about him wearing the clothes he was buried in weeks after he climbed out of his grave (and also why nobody who thinks he's a consultant questions his sartorial choices), even though he washed them (though I am not sure how he could have washed that coat) but I also get that the clothes are, for the character, a comfort, and for the viewer, a visual reminder that Ichabod is from 1778, and also, I think he looks super hot in his coat and boots, so I don't expect him to change any time soon. Otoh, I wouldn't mind if Jenny knew someone who could make him new versions of his old clothes so he had more than one set to change into.

As for the show itself, it's the best new thing this season has produced (well, maybe tied with Brooklyn Nine Nine, because ANDRE BRAUGHER), and I look forward eagerly to each episode, even if there have been a couple of stumbles recently, mostly in the sense that I want more Abbie Mills and more MILLS SISTERS interaction in general. I feel the show has sidelined Abbie the past couple of weeks, and I need that to not happen any more.

I'm looking forward to the final few episodes of the season when it returns in January, and I hope they go out with as much of a bang they came in with, because it's been an awesome, hilarious, fun ride.


Does anyone have any online resources that give brief overviews of candle- and or soap-making? The crafty kind you could do at home, I mean, and give as gifts. Or could do a brief explanation yourself in comments or over email? I need it because of ~reasons~. *shifty eyes*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/622578.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, on archiving, i should've been a librarian, tv: sleepy hollow, my flist knows everything, memes: 31 days of december

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