letting these two players battle

Dec 07, 2013 20:48

Last night I dreamt that I and two guys who were filmmakers (no one I recognize awake) met with Chris Evans to offer him a part in our movie. At first I said I was just there to kick the two dudes if they got too creepy, but it turns out I was actually the writer. The movie was about a guy who wanted his feuding parents to get back together so he could introduce them to his fiancee, and the part we were offering CEvans was that of the mom's new boyfriend. Apparently we had Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson lined up to play the separated parents, a pair of duelling lit professors named Ben and Trisha. Apparently my unconscious was writing a modern-AU sequel to Much Ado About Nothing in which Beatrice and Benedick had a son and eventually got divorced. *hands* I don't even know.


December meme, day 7: 12/7: Favourite Original Cindy moments for lokifan

Wow, it's been a while since I watched Dark Angel, but I think my favorite moment of all is at the beginning of s2, when Max comes back after everyone thinks she's been dead for months, and OC hugs her and sets her up with whatever she needs at that moment (which turns out to be shaving her legs and having a pedicure, iirc) without asking intrusive questions, and Max responds well to that. Cindy's not afraid to push Max or call her out on her bullshit, but she also knows when to give Max the room to make herself comfortable before asking her to open up and talk about feelings/make herself vulnerable, and Cindy is one of the few people who get to see that side of Max.

I love that Cindy chose to reinvent herself and that she doesn't let anybody else tell her who she is or who she should be, which is something I think Max is trying to emulate.

I also love that Cindy just rolls with it all - transgenics, Joshua, Alec - and continues to support Max, but also makes her own relationships with Joshua and Alec (not so much with Logan, but we won't get into my Logan issues here).

God, now I want to do a rewatch, but I don't have time because yuletide source must be reviewed! My life is the hardest.


I attempted to make pistachio ice cream this afternoon, but it was a sad failure. It wasn't bad, but it was generic. Nothing interesting at all. It didn't taste like pistachios, it just tasted like generic nuts and cream. Oh well, at least we can eat the rest of the super expensive pistachios. I won't waste them on ice cream again.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/621474.html.
people have commented there.

adventures in cooking, tv: dark angel, memes: 31 days of december, dreams

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