she might not be so bold

Nov 14, 2013 12:39

While I wasn't sleeping the other night (lately, I either can't sleep at all or can't stop sleeping and I just feel tired all the time), I realized that even if someone doesn't write me THE MILLS SISTERS, SAVING PEOPLE, HUNTING THINGS, THE FAMILY BUSINESS AU, I can write it myself. After yuletide, of course.


aethel recorded a podfic of with the lights out, it's less dangerous!


Arrow: Keep Your Enemies Closer

AMANDA WALLER, Y'ALL. I mean, I am sad they cast a tiny yet gorgeous lady rather than CCH POUNDER, who will ALWAYS be Amanda Waller to me, but still AMANDA WALLER. The way she basically owns EVERYONE in the DCAU is always pleasing to me, even if I refuse to believe that one episode where Batman is supposedly Terry's father. [rant redacted]

I really need to read Suicide Squad, don't I? (And also probably Secret Six. I don't know why they're linked in my head - possibly because they are all-villain teams?) Especially since apparently the Task Force X mentioned at the beginning of the ep is related.

Diggle-centric episode! LYLA IS HIS EX-WIFE! I LIKE IT. (I am still and forever amused that his dead brother is named Andy Diggle, like the comics writer.) Though I'm willing to bet she wasn't tracking Deadshot for Diggle (or not just for Diggle) but for Waller. I like that after the first kind of weak appearance by Deadshot, they've made him much more interesting in each subsequent return. Also, H.I.V.E.! Though how did Diggle know it was an acronym? ALSO, my only knowledge of H.I.V.E. comes from the Teen Titans cartoon, where it was run by Brother Blood. So is there going to be that connection here, too? I also like that the randomness of Ollie's Bratva connections are suddenly becoming meaningful.

So I guess we know why Slade wears the Deathstroke mask. Also, I am guessing he gets shot up with Ivo's version of this super soldier serum and it makes him a little crazy? And he probably blames Oliver? (I know his comics backstory has something to do with a dead wife and kids? But at least two of his kids end up on the Teen Titans? and now I'm sad all over again that Dick (and Helena) didn't take over training Rose and Sophia as his little Robins; it would have been a fun thing to come out of that terrible arc. I still hope someone writes that AU someday.)

Dude, I did not realize that was Pacey's older brother as Ivo! This amuses me tremendously. He definitely brings the mad scientist vibe.

While I don't find it out of character at all for Ollie to sleep with Isabel Rochev (please don't be Talia) (though doesn't he remember her name being on the list last season?), I'm not sure how I feel about how they are handling Felicity's response. Look, I ship it as much as anybody, but I can't with Felicity being reduced to a punchline and then pining over Oliver. That better not happen, is what I'm saying. Even if Amell's comic timing has definitely improved. "Her skirts aren't that short." And while I don't think it happened here - and I really liked Oliver taking Felicity's concerns seriously, since even just as a friend, I would not recommend sleeping with your business partner who basically treats you like something on the bottom of her shoe - I do think it has the potential to end up going there, and I just don't want it to. The show has done so well with their friendship so far! Don't ruin it! (I may still have residual issues from the clusterfuck that was Angel and Cordelia attempting to get together - I shipped it, but ugh, the way the show handled it was terrible.)

So they finally confirmed that was Jean Loring. Is Ray Palmer going to be a scientist at STAR Labs involved in creating the superconducter that turns Barry Allen (WHY BARRY? WHY NOT WALLY?) into the Flash? I'm gonna guess yeah.

I also like that even though Thea did the dumb not explaining to Roy thing when they broke up, Moira nixed that in the bud. That was a nice scene with the three of them at the end.

And next week, more Seth Gabel!


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tv: arrow, podfic, you should totally write that

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