so i blow out the candle and i put you to bed

Sep 17, 2013 13:41

Ugh, I spent the morning writing things like, "the form was prepared in accordance with IRS standards" and "due to an unexpected increase in revenue, the deficit projection for FYE13 was revised downward."

I would much rather be writing fic.

Also, once again, I forgot my container of milk at home and had to buy it downstairs for my coffee (I try to bring in a new carton on Mondays and I forgot to pack it yesterday). This whole giving up Starbucks for the awful yet cheap coffee provided at work is not really going well for me. On the plus side, even having to spend 75¢ for milk (in addition to the 50¢ it costs for the little Keurig cup) is still way cheaper than shelling out every day for coffee. Sigh. My life is the hardest.

Also on the upside, this morning I got up without hitting snooze at all so I had time to set up the slow cooker with some frozen chicken thighs and frozen (homemade) tomato sauce, so hopefully tonight there will be chicken for dinner. I also added a can of tomato paste, some water, and some wine, so I hope once the frozen sauce thaws, it's not too much liquid for my little crockpot. I guess we'll see when I get home. Anything could happen! Adventure! Mystery! All a part of my glamorous life!

Speaking of wine, I think I forgot to mention the wine "tasting" on Friday? (It was not a formal thing, just a dude with a generous pour and some styrofoam cups trying to sell some vino.) I walked into the liquor store for a bottle of wine to make ten second sangria with, and there was a guy sitting there with a cooler of wine in front of him, and he said, "Would you like to taste some Spanish wines?" and I said, "Sure!" So I tried a chardonnay (which was okay, but I am not a huge fan of chardonnay - it gives me a headache) and a verdejo, which is quite nice and which I ended up buying, since I was looking for a citrusy white. I also tried the two reds he had, though I don't like or drink red wine unless it's been doctored up to make sangria or mulled wine. They weren't terrible? I guess? But all in all, each cup he poured for me was like three sips of wine! Times four! So I was already nicely tipsy before I even got home to have my ten second sangria.

In other news, Sleepy Hollow! I'm glad to see a bunch of other people watched it, because I thought it was pretty charming. I watched on the strength of Nicole Beharie's charisma as Rachel Robinson in 42, and I'm glad I did. I did not know until later that John Cho was in it, and I'm glad, because if I'd watched for him, I'd be super disappointed.
snacky and I were like, "Oh, no, John Cho, don't be evil &/or dead!"

AND they killed off Clancy Brown! Lex Luthor! Long Feng! At least he did a voiceover at the end, which is what you really want him for, so hopefully that'll stick around.

Anyway, I thought Abby and Ichabod had a fun partners! vibe, and you know how much I dig that, and if I'm not shipping it by next week, I'll be surprised. I also liked that they weren't taking the whole thing too seriously - I mean, it's a headless dude in a redcoat with a machine gun. You have to know how to play that! I also liked that Abby rescued herself from John Cho and also saved Ichabod, and that she's clearly the main character, despite Crane being all British and hot.

Also, it's the book of Revelation! NO S. So I always just pretend it's some sekrit apocryphal version of the bible, and then it doesn't matter that it doesn't actually say or mean what they say it means or says. *squints* I'm not sure that sentence makes sense, but much like this show, I don't really care that much.

I did find that moment at the end with the beast and the mirror to be genuinely startling and creepy, so if they can pull that off once or twice every week, and not get mired down in taking the whole thing too seriously, I think I will enjoy it.


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life, adventures in cooking, drinking, tv: sleepy hollow, my life so hard

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