the whole world is moving and i'm standing still

Sep 13, 2013 09:29

I was hoping to write at least one or maybe two ten in ten stories yesterday, but work got busy (boss1 showed up when she was supposed to be at an all day offsite meeting), so maybe later today?

And with that in mind, Russian-speaking friends, what would be some ridiculous come-ons/endearments a sex-pollened Winter Soldier might whisper to a (suitably freaked out) Captain America? Things that would make the Black Widow laugh out loud as she translated.

Also, inspired by the news that there will be another Harry Potter movie (though not the MWPP era sequel that I both dread and yearn for), I might write some Sirius/Remus, because OTP OF OTPs. I have had a resurgence of SIRIUS BLACK feelings recently. ♥SIRIUS♥ *hands*


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