Hide under the bed, turn out the light

Sep 04, 2013 11:31

So that last post was not meant to be seen in public. *facepalm*

I think I've mentioned that I have a system where I have a private writing journal (it's actually a community so I don't have to log in and out to use it) where I back up all my wsip and other items so that I can work on them at work or wherever without having to remember a flash drive or save anything on any work computer etc. (This system was developed when I was at BEMC, because they disabled all the USB ports on our PCs [I had been using a flash drive], and also blocked google docs and gmail, but I was still able to access LJ at the time. All I have to do is remember to post whatever I've written at the end of whatever time period and I can work wherever I am as long as there's internet and DW isn't blocked and it's worked out pretty well for me over the years.)

I usually post right from the community profile page to avoid things like this happening, and for three of my other wsip, everything was fine last night - I was making sure I had access to everything in case I had a moment to work on something at work. And then I somehow posted the Steve/Buffy wip to this journal, publicly. Oops. That was not meant to be seen in public because it is not nearly done.

I don't post works in progress, and even if I did, I wouldn't post something that had random notes and a chat transcript at the bottom where
snacky and I discuss what should happen in the story. *hands*

So, thank you to the people who commented, and uh, please come back when the story is done! I hope it will be soon!


Back at work today. I spent most of the morning sorting through my email inbox, but it was relatively painless. I think because I had basically cleared my desk before I left, and also warned everybody that I wasn't going to be here, so things weren't hanging over me and also people mostly took care of their own stuff instead of leaving it to pile up for me. It also helps that Boss1 is out at an offsite meeting all morning and Boss2 has a thing uptown for a good part of the afternoon. And they'll both be out tomorrow, of course, which makes things a little easier, too.


What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I just finished

Well, I spent my vacation rereading The Belgariad and The Malloreon, which I think I mentioned last week? I finished the latter on Monday, and it was satisfying, except for all the things that are awful and terrible about these books and I don't just mean the writing, though that is pretty terrible too, she said blandly. But it was so nice to revisit with the characters, whom I've loved since I was about 12 years old. *hands*

I also finished Going Clear, which was interesting and also horrifying in a completely different way. (Also, last week when I posted, I thought I still had a quarter of the book to go, but not so much - the text itself only goes to about 80% on the kindle, and then it is all footnotes and appendices.)

What I'm reading now

Long Gone by Alafair Burke. I started on the train this morning. Since it is a library book, I want to get it done before it's due. It's a mystery but so far not much has happened. It does do the unfortunate prologue of suspense and then flash back in the first chapter to show events leading to that point, and I'm not all that fond of the protagonist yet, but she does have a very clear voice.

What I'm reading next

When that's done, I will go back to The Salt Roads, which got interrupted by the library books. After that, I don't know.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/597848.html.
people have commented there.

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, books, sometimes i scare myself, my life so hard, i am okay with that!

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