don't allow yourself to miss shots like that

Sep 02, 2013 19:45

This evening, I made one hour skillet focaccia (pics) after
st_aurafina linked to it, reminding me that the recipe exists. It is just as easy as it looks and just as delicious, too. You just need a cast iron frying pan.


You know, taking tomorrow off to cap my vacation was possibly the best decision ever. I'm so glad I have one more day of lounging before I have to go back to work. I can only imagine what my work inbox looks like. But I'm gonna try not to think about that until Wednesday morning.


I feel like I need a third thing to round off this post, but I don't think I have one. I've been doing some writing, but it's slow going. Sigh.


This entry at DW:
people have commented there.

life, adventures in cooking, writing is hard!

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