fic: give me the fevers that just won't break (Avengers; Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult)

Aug 30, 2013 03:00

give me the fevers that just won't break
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult; contains: sex pollen; 1,780 words
Steve, Bucky, and Natasha get hit with an aerosolized aphrodisiac. Sex ensues.

Title from Gaslight Anthem. Written as an outgrowth of that trope meme. Nothing but porn here. They're in an established three-way relationship, so ( Read more... )

natasha romanova, steve rogers, fic: avengers movieverse, steve/bucky/natasha, bucky barnes

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Comments 4

gwenfrewi72 August 30 2013, 21:02:17 UTC
Dear god, I love this trio when you write it.!


musesfool September 2 2013, 22:31:54 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. I wish other people would write it too, though.


kerithwyn August 30 2013, 21:53:18 UTC
Holy fuckballs, that is hot. Gorgeous. I needed this today like woah.


musesfool September 2 2013, 22:32:18 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it.


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