nothing in the old world will ever keep me warm.

Aug 29, 2013 17:53

Here's a link to the pics from our visit to the NYPL yesterday.

I guess I forgot to do the Wednesday reading meme, so:

What I've just finished

So I kind of got completely distracted from Going Clear by a reread of The Belgariad and The Malloreon, which are even worse than I remember and yet I have such deep nostalgic love for them, because I read them at a formative age, and even with the terrible race and gender politics of them, I find the characters very comforting. So I finished The Belgariad with great satisfaction. Also, it's been long enough since I reread them that there were details I didn't remember. Always a plus.

I feel like I should probably have thoughts about comics, but honestly, nothing I've read (I'm mostly caught up now) really stuck out. Mostly I cried at the end of Captain Marvel #14, and I kind of want fic with Natasha and Carol now. YOU KNOW WHY.

Also, I have absolutely no interest in this event that is happening. MARVEL, STOP HIJACKING STORYLINES I'M INTERESTED IN FOR STUPID EVENTS I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT.

I enjoyed the Hawkeye annual but didn't love it. Kate, I love you, but please return to Brooklyn ASAP. Swing by Arizona on the way back and pick up Eli while you're at it. (WHERE ARE YOU, ELI? BABY, COME BACK. RESCUE TOMMY WHILE YOU'RE AT IT.) (It's kind of funny that to me, the joy of the original YA run was Eli, Kate, and Tommy (!! I never expected to love Tommy the way I do, but. speedsters, I guess.). I especially miss Eli and Teddy bro-time, too.)

Oh! Okay, Young Avengers: I like how clearly they call this fake Patriot out, but come on, BRING ME ELI BRADLEY. I ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTIONS.

otoh, LEAH. I have very mixed feelings about her turning up coded as a villain. DON'T BE A VILLAIN LEAH. PLEASE. AND DO NOT HURT TEDDY. (You could give him a hair cut though. Although his hair isn't as egregious as Billy's.) Personally, I like Billy, and I like Billy/Teddy, but it's really nice to see Teddy's character get some development and attention. I really am not interested in YA devolving into the Billy Kaplan show. A little of Billy's angst goes a long, long way for me. Luckily, I think both Kate and Loki are strong enough characters to make sure that doesn't happen. So far Noh-Varr is pretty negligible, though I applaud his love of music. Now, I really need more America Chavez development and backstory. COME ON. GIVE IT TO ME.

I also enjoyed Jubilee and Logan's trip to southern California, and the team of X-ladies, though I feel like I'm either missing something with the Storm-Rachel Summers antagonism or I just find Rachel irritating. Which. I find her parents irritating, so maybe that's not surprising?

What I'm reading now

Well, still Going Clear, and you know, I'm all for people believing whatever they want to believe in, but holy shit, if even a quarter of the stuff in this book is true, Scientologists are seriously terrifying. The leadership, anyway.

Plus, I'm about fifty pages from the end of Guardians of the West and I plan to blow through the rest of the Malloreon this weekend. You know for some people, it's Mercedes Lackey, or Anne McCaffrey, and I enjoyed those books but never really attached all that hard, but I seriously imprinted on Eddings.

I might have to offer it for Yuletide this year. Huh.

What I'm reading next

Well, as I said, the rest of The Malloreon, and I have some book I just got from the library, though I'm completely blanking on what it is. Some mystery novel. *hands* Oh, and I also picked up, uh, the first three issues of Lazarus by Greg Rucka, because so far, Greg Rucka has not disappointed me.

And speaking of comics, the news that James Spader was cast as Ultron in Avengers 2 is giving me a welter of 80s NOSTALGIA FEELS. JAMES SPADER. HE NEEDS TO CALL ME. ALSO, BAD TOUCHING ROBERT DOWNEY JR. I hope this means that Ultron is not just going to be Evil!Jarvis, because 1. NO. and 2. NO. and 3. they'd just have Paul Bettany do that, no?

Anyway, I can't really get too excited about that because there is still THOR 2 and CAPTAIN AMERICA/WINTER SOLDIER to freak out about first. If I survive the wait until April and the actual movie, then maybe I will give more thought to Avengers 2.


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