he's an unlikely candidate, right?

Aug 23, 2013 21:27

Ugh. This has been a ridiculously long day. I was at work by 8 because of a conference call (which everybody else was able to take from home or wherever. Sigh.) and I didn't leave until 6, and I worked through lunch (I mean, I ate - hello, have you met me? - but I ate while working.) but today was my last day in the office for a week and a half, and I wanted to tie up as many loose ends as possible. There is nothing worse than coming back from vacation with stuff that should have been done before you left still hanging around. Well, and also how all the crap piles up because nobody else bothers to do it.

I don't consider myself indispensable at work (though there are things that only I do, or things I do better than anyone else here), but sweet jebus, trying to clear my desk and having a number of "emergencies" come up is really fucking annoying. (look, it's not my fault if you didn't loop me - THE CEO'S ASSISTANT - into your meeting planning until yesterday at 4 pm and you need THE CEO to attend your offsite meetings. When I tell you that I'm on vacation next week, so if it doesn't get done today, you'll have to do it yourself, it's not your place to get snippy with me. [spoilers: of course I got it done today, along with everything else, because I'm awesome like that, though one thing did need to be tabled until my return, because of other people's vacations.])

Anyway, I am facing 12 glorious days off (including weekends and Labor Day), though next weekend I have to go to the island, and I plan to read and catch up on teevee and write and sleep in and maybe test out some recipes.

In other news, I'm sure you're already tired of the Batfleck jokes, but what I don't get is who thought that was a good idea? And I say that as someone who has liked Affleck's work in some things (he did play Superman in a way in Hollywoodland), though I think he's better as a director. If you told me he was directing the movie, I'd have been pretty pleased. As it is, not so much.

I agree with osito_panda - if you really needed Batman in the next movie, adapt "The Hiketeia," which gives you a fantastic Wonder Woman story WITH ADDED BATMAN. And also where Wonder Woman steps on Batman's neck (the relevant scans). IT IS AWESOME.


Otoh, I bet Marvel is heaving a sigh of relief as it means the internet's combined outrage isn't directed at the idea of Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff. I haven't seen her in anything but she is not exactly my image of Wanda. Rule 63!Tommy maybe...

(Given that they were also talking to Saoirse Ronan, and therefore tiny teenage blondes, is it wrong to kind of wish for Dakota Fanning? Because of ~reasons? *cough*)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/594180.html.
people have commented there.

life, batman, wonder woman, avengers assemble, work, my life so hard

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