you've been thunderstruck

Aug 08, 2013 12:48

Last night,
fox1013, midnitemaraud_r, and I went to see Avengers in Hudson River Park. It was a lot of fun, even though it did rain in occasional ten minute spurts. midnitemaraud_r brought beach chairs so we didn't have to sit on the wet grass, and it was a lot of fun. Next week, I believe they are showing Pitch Perfect on Wednesday and then Beetlejuice on Friday, if you are in the city and looking for a cheap night out (the movie is free and they give out popcorn).

The best way to get there is by bus - Chelsea Piers is the last stop on the M23 crosstown bus, and it drops you right at the entrance - once you're past the restrooms and the 'wichcraft (or the chipwich, as I kept calling it last night), you go right to the grassy area instead of left to the boats. It was a pretty decent crowd, a lot of people in Cap t-shirts, and there was a even a full-on Loki cosplayer, which I did not expect.

Afterwards, we went to a diner and chatted about fandom, and it was about 1:30 when I got home, so I'm glad that I took today off in anticipation of it being a late night. There was a time I could have gone to work this morning without really having a problem, but that time is long gone.

And speaking of Loki, I know everybody did their squeeing over this yesterday, but I can't watch videos at work, and I didn't get home until 1:30, so I didn't see the Thor 2 trailer until this morning.


I really want this movie to be about Jane sciencing it up in Asgard and slapping Loki for being a misogynistic genocidal maniac while Sif and Frigga (RENE RUSSO!) take care of business and Thor hits things with his hammer. Thor! He's so pretty. And he digs Jane so much! I draw a million sparkly hearts around him!

For serious, though, Rene Russo was so wasted in Thor. Why even have her in your movie if you're not going to give her badass shit to do? I'm so happy it looks like this is being remedied this time around.

And Darcy! I mean, her presence in this trailer was basically, "Yes, relax, Darcy's in this movie. She probably has lines and doesn't die!" but I really want her to be awesome again!

PLUS, HEIMDALL TAKES HIS HELMET OFF. IDRIS ELBA, YOUR FACE IS A GOOD FACE. Also, I know Sif and Heimdall are siblings in the comics, but couldn't we change that relationship to badass fuckbuddies in the MCU? Because I TOTALLY want that. (also, also, if I can't get a Gina Torres Wonder Woman movie or a Michelle Rodriguez Wonder Woman movie or a Gina Carano Wonder Woman movie, I would accept wholeheartedly a Jaimie Alexander Wonder Woman movie. Jesus, DC, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?)

Oh, and I guess the fabric of all reality is in danger and Jane is going to science her way to a solution? I AM ALL IN FOR THAT. Tony and Bruce must be SO JEALOUS.

So that was pleasing to me. IS IT NOVEMBER YET?


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