home, where my loves lies waiting silently for me

Aug 03, 2013 22:09

If you subscribe to me on AO3, um, sorry for the 30-odd Sirius/Remus stories from 2005 that got uploaded today. I miss them sometimes. Rereading, I actually made myself cry a couple of times, which almost never happens. OTP OF OTPS. I don't know if I'll ever feel that way again about a pairing, though I suppose Steve/Bucky comes close. EPIC TRAGIC CENTURY LONG LOVE STORY. *sobs* I just really love pairings where terrible circumstances force them apart for many years and then they meet up again and it's like no time has passed at all - "Together?" "Yes, I think so." for Remus/Sirius, or that bit in Captain America where Bucky finally comes back to fight the giant robot and he and Steve team up like they've never been apart. That is my FAVORITE. THEY FINISH EACH OTHER'S SENTENCES. THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER LIKE NOBODY ELSE CAN. Sometimes I think if you didn’t have me, there wouldn’t be a single person in the world who really understood you. OH STEVE. OH BUCKY.

I've had six happy hour cosmos. Six! Ah ah ah!

I am feeling a little emo about my pairings right now. Captain America/Winter Soldier better be like a punch right in the Bucky feels, or I will feel my $14.50 was a waste, is all I'm saying.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/588952.html.
people have commented there.

otp: not without you, otp/shipping, sirius/remus:meta

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