i've heard them calling my name

Aug 01, 2013 10:15

So last night, I met L. at the bar and I was telling her about The Golem and the Jinni and she didn't know what a golem was, so I tried to explain (poorly) and used the word homunculus (which was also unhelpful as she wasn't familiar with the term), and this guy sitting down a few seats at the bar looked over at us, kind of puzzled (the music was for once not loud enough to drown out all conversation). Then I was explaining that the Jinni in the book was not, you know, like Barbara Eden, and I said, "there's no Major Nelson." And the guy leaned over and was like, "Excuse me, I'm sorry for interrupting, but first you used the word 'homunculus,' which is not something you hear in every day conversation, and then you mentioned Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie. What are you talking about?"

So I told him about the book and he was like, "Oh, okay. It was just a weird combination of things to overhear."


We're all about the weird combinations and amusing juxtapositions here at chez p.


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life, girl of random thoughts

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