stay and the night would be enough

Jul 21, 2013 20:41

So this afternoon, I tried out this teriyaki chicken recipe for the crockpot. I used two (boneless, skinless) chicken breasts instead of four, and I added a cup of uncooked rice (and some diced onions), but I kept the measurements for the sugar (I used brown sugar) and soy sauce the same. I actually added another 1/3 cup of soy sauce and 2 cups of water for the rice. Then I cooked it for 2 hours on high, and it wasn't quite done yet - the chicken was cooked but not tender, and the rice was not done. I let it go for another 45 minutes or so, and then it was fine. And it created dinner for tonight and lunch for five days, and all I had to buy was the chicken. Next time I will go with thighs, though. I prefer them for most things.

So that was a success. I thought about baking something for breakfast, but I have applesauce so I might just go with that tomorrow and bake tomorrow night.

Otherwise, it's been a lazy day - I spent most of it watching the Mets and also videos from Comic Con. Everything they said about Captain America/Winter Soldier sounds good to me and I am very excited. The description of it as a 70s conspiracy/spy thriller excites me so much. Plus Robert Redford - he is like the king of those movies. I don't know if he is going to be a separate enemy or tied somehow to Lukin (Red Skull?)/Kronas and the Winter Soldier, but I am excited about that. ALSO, the way they keep talking about Steve and Natasha as odd couple partners who may have more in common than they expect and who have a working shorthand with each other and complementary fighting styles and, though they don't know it, history with the Winter Soldier, pleases me greatly, because that is how I have been imagining it.

And it has totally kicked my Steve/Natasha/Bucky shipping into high gear (I've written 500 words of the sequel to "Our history is just in our blood" this weekend, after months of nothing), and somehow, along with that, my no longer sekrit Chris Evans/Scarlett Johansson shipping. I don't even recognize myself! I just want them to make out a lot (both on and off-screen) and have beautiful babies and keep making movies together and trolling reporters. They're just so ADORABLE and they look like they enjoy each other's company a lot. I may have a problem. *hands*

The whole cast is adorable and I already love them so much!

I also enjoyed Hiddleston's appearance and the Veronica Mars trailer and the Arrow sizzle reel and the Teen Wolf cast and the Almost Human cast (did you know Minka Kelly was going to be in that? I did not until this weekend, but that cast is now full of people I like) and the cast of Community playing "the floor is lava!" and a ton of other things that I reblogged and tagged SDCC 2013 for those of you who don't use tumblr but are interested in the videos/pics/quotes.

(I'm less sanguine about some of Joss's comments about Avengers 2 and also the other heroes he wants to add (GIVE ME A CAROL DANVERS MOVIE, YOU ASSHOLES. And also a T'Challa movie.), and DC's decision to make a Superman/Batman movie BUT STILL NO WONDER WOMAN MOVIE. But, you know, *deep breath* HAPPY THINGS. At least this DC Nation Wonder Woman short is awesome. Please give me that show now, too, please.)

I've also been reblogging some Pacific Rim stuff, because Idris Elba and also because Mako and Raleigh need to have SO MUCH psychic bond sex.

I leave you with this:


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joss, wonder woman, avengers assemble, adventures in cooking, this is captain america calling, fannishness

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