I believe in love, I’m married to my work.

Jul 17, 2013 11:00

Oh, gmail, why? Why change my inbox? I have it sorted neatly with labels. I do not need your arbitrary tab system.

My inbox almost never has more than 30 messages in it at one time anymore, and usually 20 of those are in need of an answer (the rest are reminders of bills or gift certificates or free beverages at Starbucks).

Right now, it lets me go back to the old way, but I fear that at some point they're going to force these tabs on me, and then I'll never remember to answer the things that need answering. Also, clearly promotions should be the last tab, since that's where most of the junk mail goes, but it won't let me change the order. Ugh.


Last night, I listened to the first episode of Welcome to Night Vale, since everyone is talking about it, and I can see why people think it's charming or whatever, but I am terrible with listening to someone talk in my ear (except for sports, but even that can put me to sleep if the rhythm is right) - I can't do podcasts or talk radio or audiobooks, because I totally zone out, and this guy's voice is so soothing that it was putting me to sleep, despite the incongruity of his tone with what he's saying. (and the musical interlude just irritated me.) It helped to have a transcript, because reading along helped keep me engaged, but I just don't think this format is for me. Maybe I'll just read the transcripts so I know what everyone is talking about.


I watched Matt Harvey's two innings of the All Star game. I felt bad for him when he hit Cano (I probably would have felt worse for Cano, but he's a Yankee, so...not so much; otoh, it warmed the cockles of my cold black heart to hear that Mariano Rivera got a huge standing ovation at the end of the game) but then he settled down and did all right.

Even if you're not a Mets fan - or a baseball fan - you should watch this video of him interviewing Mets fans about Matt Harvey, where none of them actually recognize him. It's pretty hilarious.


Suits is back! Mike Ross still needs to go jump off a cliff. Or at least be punched in the face every episode. Ugh. He is the worst. Rachel, you can do so much better! Truly, you can!

I was really hoping they'd do a thing where Mike resigned, and then there was a time jump to three years later with Rachel and Mike coming back to Pearson Darby as associates with actual law degrees. I still wish they'd done it last season - have Hardman win and Jessica and Harvey spin off to become Pearson Spector, Mike goes to law school, and we pick up three years later with Mike and Rachel joining the new firm. I mean, I would probably still not like Mike much, because he's smarmy as all fuck, but I wouldn't find him such a loathsome little hypocrite if he actually went and got his degree instead of pretending he has some moral high ground over everyone while his whole life is built on a lie that could ruin everyone he claims to care about. Batman does indeed need a Robin, but Mike is certainly in NO WAY good enough to be the Robin to Harvey's Batman. (There shall be no besmirching of Robin's good name while I'm around! And before you say anything, fuck you, Jason was a good Robin.)

Of course, after last night, despite my great and irrational love for and attraction to Harvey, I don't know if Harvey is worthy of being Batman. I just... WHAT? I feel like this is all some paranoid delusion going on in Harvey's head (so, maybe just like Batman after all? *snerk*), and now he's going to team up with Darby to take down Jessica? WHAT? This is exactly what Hardman talked about, and I wanted Harvey to be better than that, than to let Hardman get inside his head. Otoh, if it gives Jessica a chance to break Harvey to her will again, I would be all for that.

Harvey(/Donna) vs. the world isn't as interesting a show to me as Harvey/Jessica(/Donna & Louis) vs. the world.

I don't think the writers understand that the most interesting relationships on the show are Jessica/Harvey, Harvey/Donna, and Harvey-Louis. With some added Rachel-her dad, and Robert Zane-Jessica. Or maybe I just want ALL the Wendell Pierce, so I can enjoy Bunk's pinstripe lawyerly affectations on my teevee once more.

In the meantime, someone should write me the story of Pearson Florrick (or Pearson, Spector, Florrick & Agos). I am just saying. And throw Kalinda into that mix and see what happens. Hot crossover pairings galore.


One more birthday fic for me:

Secondhand Hope by
flyakate, an adorably bantery Avengers/Star Trek reboot fusion, wherein Tony Stark gets really excited by alien tech.

<3 <3 <3


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/584289.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, sports, my birthday, hot xover pairings, you should totally write that, the futility of being a mets fan, tv: suits, podcast: welcome to night vale

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