coverage begins at six o'clock

Jul 01, 2013 22:02

So both of my bosses are on vacation this week, which I thought meant I would have some peace and quiet, get to finish some stuff that's been hanging around, and of course, clean my desk off, per Boss1. Last week, I sent an email to several relevant departments, letting them know that if they had something for signature, either I had to have it by Thursday or it wouldn't be signed until next Tuesday, when Boss1 returns. So of course, today, three separate people stopped by and were like, "Oh, she's really not here?" NO I JUST SENT THAT HEADS UP EMAIL TO BE CONTRARY. WTF? I didn't say that. I was very polite. I said that JL and JT were both available to sign things, and on three separate occasions, I was told that ONLY Boss1 or Boss2 could sign these documents. And it has to be a signed original, no electronic signatures and no faxing to Boss1 and having her fax it back (she doesn't have a scanner at her beach house) so they were like, "Well, does she have a printer out there?" I DO NOT KNOW. I said I could email her and find out, but they said they'd call her themselves. I'm perfectly happy to let them do that. If they did, I never heard the result.


In other work news, I got a new computer today, so that's nice. though it took a while to get all my stuff set up the way I like it afterwards. Sigh.


Monthly roundup time!

Top 5 Songs - June 2013

5. Rise - Flobots
4. Inverigo - Thea Gilmore
3. Hard Times - Empires
2. Halo - Beyonce
1. Mae - Gaslight Anthem

Monthly Writing Roundup - June 2013

It will often be mysterious (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Natasha; g; 1,630 words
Steve's done a lot of stupid things in his life, but trusting Natasha isn't one of them.

Say Good Morning to the Night (@ AO3)
Captain America (2011)/Batgirl (comic); Steph/Bucky; pg; 4,170 words
"If you're old news, doll, then I'm history."

Two stories. That's not bad for my current level of incapability. I'd like to write at least two stories in July, too - one for Captain America's birthday on July 4, and one for my birthday on July 15, but we'll see how that goes. I'm trying not to have exxpectations.


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monthly writing roundup, technology is not my friend, top 5 songs, work, writing is hard!

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