the borderlines we drew between us

May 10, 2013 16:37

I started reading The Intuitionist on the train on my way to the parents' and they introduced a character named Ben Urich who is an investigative reporter, and I was like, "that name seems really familiar..." So I texted
devildoll to ask if that was also the name of the Daily Bugle's star reporter and she said it is! So I'm going to spend the rest of the book waiting for Spider-Man (or DareDevil, I guess) to show up. Other than that little bit of cognitive dissonance, I'm really enjoying it so far.

Thursday night teevee:

Community - the season, and likely series, finale. Unlike a lot of people, I mostly liked this season, and I have no idea how other people felt about this finale, but I enjoyed it. It felt like a fitting goodbye and I loved No-Longer-Evil!Abed's silvery goatee. Plus, the darkest timeline was only in Jeff's head, much as the bodyswap was a bit, so I feel like that worked pretty well. I also loved Britta's, "Don't talk to her like that!" and Jeff and Evil!Jeff both going, "Every time!" And also, "Nobody gets to sleep with Jeff! Not even me!" Otoh, I don't think I'm nearly as emotionally attached as the people who hated it (season 4 I mean) are. I enjoyed spending time with the characters, I had a few laughs, I'm good. (Of course, Dan Harmon also creeps me the fuck out, so...)

Elementary: Risk Management: How much do I LOVE that Joan shuts down all the patronizing men who are so concerned with her safety as if she hasn't made her own risk assessment of being in Sherlock's life, first as his sober companion, where she, I dunno, lives in his house alone with him when he's still in a delicate and possibly volatile stage of his recovery, and then makes a conscious choice to become his investigative partner, despite already knowing that the last time someone got that close to him, she ended up dead. Or "dead" I guess, since we all knew she wasn't really, and this episode proved that.

"I have a gun." "And a penis." JOAN WATSON IS NOT HAVING WITH YOUR PATRIARCHAL BULLSHIT, GENTLEMEN. I mean, just imagine Gregson having that conversation with Bell ANY TIME EVER. That is just not a thing that is going to happen to a man. You know who gets to make the final decision about whether a situation is too dangerous for Joan to stay in? JOAN DOES. Not Gregson. Not Sherlock. JOAN. And I'm SO PLEASED the show recognizes that.

I also liked the parallels between the Sutters and Joan and Sherlock - Joan also wants Sherlock to have closure, but not if it entails straight-up murderizing a dude.

Also also, as soon as Sherlock said Irene was an art restorer, my brain went FORGER, which gives her reason enough to fake her death without her being either one of Moriarty's operatives or his dupe, both of which I hope the show avoids. She could be Moriarty herself, but I don't know how I feel about that. I have no real familiarity or attachment to the Holmes canon, so I'm okay with playing it fast and loose; I just want to see something that doesn't insult my intelligence or play into tired old tropes about women in cranky genius detective stories.

I can't wait for the 2 hour season finale next week! And then I'm going to be sad because I have to wait until September for more.

Tonight, though, there's hockey. Ugh, the Rangers are going to kill me. Hopefully they can win on the road tonight, because if each team only wins at home, that doesn't end well for them.

It's a good thing I took an early train out here. I just got an email that a work train struck an "unauthorized vehicle" on the tracks, and there's no service either way to Ronkonkoma. Oops. I'm glad I'm not stuck in that mess.


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tv: community, books, does whatever a spider can, tv: elementary

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