of people wrapped up tight in the things that will kill them

May 02, 2013 11:20

ugh, so in an update on my rent situation, they sent me - via email - a breakdown of where the error occurred and what it cost etc., so on the advice of my lawyer, I replied to the email saying that I would be willing to make a lump sum payment of $7500 by May 31 (which is less than they want but practically 75 cents on the dollar) to resolve things quickly. That was two days ago. I still haven't heard back and it is making me CRAZY. Every time a new email pops up, my stomach turns. I mean, the worst they can do is say no and then I will offer the $8700 they reduced it to, but ugh. JUST GIVE ME AN ANSWER SO THIS CAN BE OVER ALREADY. MY NERVES ARE TOTALLY SHOT.


After I linked to that TFLN/Avengers graphic yesterday, someone reblogged it and commented that there should be a librarian!Steve AU AND I WHOLEHEARTEDLY CONCUR. Steve the librarian who looks so earnestly disappointed when you bring your books back late that you never do it again! And Bucky is the queer studies grad student who is always in the library flirting with him. And eventually, they have sex in the stacks!

One of you who is actually a librarian (or a grad student) should write this for me. My birthday's in July, so you have time. IJS.

In other Cap 2 news, the behind the scenes pics of Anthony Mackie as Falcon look fantastic and as I expected, his hair looks fine, as does Chris Evans's. So I just want to know who thought flat-ironing Scarlett Johansson's hair was a good idea because they should be taken out back and shot her Avengers hair was awesome! Why fix what ain't broke? Also, it makes me worry for Emily Van Camp. Regardless, I still made a Steve/Natasha icon, because #otp: it'll be fun!

In other, other Avengers 2 news, rumor has it that the script contains Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. I have super mixed feelings about this, because on the one hand, hetcesters, start your engines! On the other hand, I fear that now that the first movie was so successful, Joss is going to revert somewhat to form and turn Wanda into one of his crazy powerful and barefoot waifish brunettes and that is not really who Wanda is. On the third hand, I'm really interested in seeing how he works around any references to their being mutants or Magneto's kids since he can't mention that stuff because Fox owns the rights to the mutants.

I'll be honest and say that there are a bunch of characters I am more interested in seeing pop up in Avengers 2 than Wanda and Pietro - I feel like Sam and Rhodey (and Bucky) should be there (though I can see not wanting to pay Don Cheadle if it's just going to be a cameo), and I really want Carol and T'Challa, and maybe Bobbi and Jan. Also, Luke and Danny and Jessica (Jones) and Misty and Colleen. And given that Daredevil rights have reverted back to Marvel, I wouldn't be surprised by a Daredevil cameo. Street-level heroes for the win! *cough* Especially since Spidey is still separate.

Which brings me to the other unsubstantiated rumor I read, that they are considering Chadwick Boseman for T'Challa, which I would be for because that guy is hot and charismatic and maybe they are floating it now so he can appear in Avengers 2 and then FINALLY they can make a Black Panther movie.

There are always rumors floating around about this stuff, and none of this may be true, but I like to speculate.

A year ago, I was on my way to Wisconsin to see Avengers with
devildoll, chicklet_girl and girlinthetrilby. And the year before that, we saw Thor together, so I'm a little sad we're not seeing IM3 together, but I won't get to see it until Saturday evening, so I'm on a tumblr moratorium, even with my tumblr savior filled to the brim with permutations of tags that should protect me. I already got spoiled for Star Trek by an untagged post and I care a lot less about that (I mean, I still care! But not nearly as much.)

Lastly, on the Avengers front, this went up after I did my April recs, but
lanyon posted the last part of Medvezhonok, the story in which the Winter Soldier suddenly finds himself with a preschool-aged son. I normally don't read works in progress because I have been burned way too often, but I followed this one as it was posted because Bucky + sekrit baby was basically something I was incapable of resisting (have you met me?) and I was SO HAPPY to get the update email yesterday saying it was complete because it's SO GOOD. So there'll be a rec at the end of the month as usual, but I didn't want to wait because I want you all to read it because it's so good! She does a great job with a child-POV narrator and I just want to smish him and Bucky through the whole story. And then the ending made me all teary and it made my heart happy and Bucky Bear has an important role in it so you should totally go read it now!


Now, skipping universes, last night's Arrow was really good! And I'm saying that about an episode that didn't even have Slade in it!


I love that they rescued Walter, and that twice Felicity walked in on private moments and everyone but Oliver was like, "Who are you?" I love that Ollie identified her as a friend and so did Walter. Oh heart.

And I loved that she went to Diggle and that there wasn't a huge drama - he just wasn't ready to make peace without Ollie apologizing, and Ollie eventually realized he needed to do that, and it was lovely. I totally OT3 them.

I also loved that they had a Ted Kord shout-out - he's totally the kind of millionaire tech gadget hero guy that would fit in on this show, so I hope he shows up in season 2 - and that Ollie went to Bludhaven to rescue Walter - I guess it's been moved to the Pacific Northwest? (I can actually understand Dick wanting to put a continent between himself and Bruce, but I don't think Dick would ever do that.) I mean, Starling City is Vancouver-as-Seattle, right?

Anyway, I am excited for the season finale! I did not expect this show to actually be good, and I'm so pleased that it is. I mean, it's still a superhero show on the CW, but it's totally improved as it's gone along and that makes me happy.


Lastly - for reals this time - I made one last frivolous purchase with my last full paycheck for months, and ordered these cocktail glasses. I was originally going to buy them back when L. and I were planning our dinner party, to serve the grapefruit-champagne sorbet, but for some reason it didn't work out (they couldn't be delivered in time? they were out of stock? I don't recall), so when I saw they were back in stock, I snapped them up. Hopefully they don't arrive in a mess of shattered glass.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/565608.html.
people have commented there.

avengers assemble, this is captain america calling, recs, my life so hard, tv: arrow, i fail at glee!, you should totally write that, shopping

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