the language of all rivers is lust

Apr 25, 2013 11:34

Today's poem:

The River Offers A Ring To Ophelia

What language could I speak, but of clarity,
of seeing through? Not true-I spoke

the language of nudity. The language of all
rivers is lust. I licked Ophelia's calf, flesh

the color of peaches rinsed in rain. She dipped
her hand inside of me. I played in and out with

shadows her fingers made in my swirls.
I fixated a fish within the sunlight's freckles.

She was unwary of the layering I could perform.
The black of tree trunks twirling toward

the orange autumn light seduced the sky.
But I know when to change perspective. I lured

her vision with my movements. My slow
hushed touch. I jiggled the little white pebbles.

Little moon stones. They looked like pearls.
She kept reaching for another. And another.

~Carol Berg

I actually ordered the chapbook this poem comes from, which I believe is a cycle of poems about Ophelia and the river, but it hasn't arrived yet.


Arrow came back last night. I enjoyed it, though I have to say, the Tommy/Laurel/Ollie triangle is the most uninteresting part of things to me. I guess this is all movement to put Tommy in place to turn into a villain at the end of the season - I'm guessing John Barrowman will be killed by Ollie and Tommy will step into his shoes.

But this ep also had J. August Richards, looking mighty fine as the assassin Mr. Blank. I did have a little bit of Wolfram and Hart dissonance when he showed up as E.Rasmus's lawyer at the end, though. There was a little bit of "Gunn, no!" going on at Chez P. is what I'm saying. I can't wait for him to show up on SHIELD.

I enjoyed Roy more this time around, and I really hope Thea is with him when he discovers Ollie is Green Arrow (at some point, they're gonna call him that, right? Because "the Hood" and "the vigilante" are just unwieldy) so she can also become a sidekick. She already has the nickname! Roy can start out as Red Arrow and become Arsenal later. I am just saying.

Oh, Dig, don't break up with Ollie. He really did do the right thing, and let's face it, those ARGUS agents were really crappy at running that operation and probably would have died even if Ollie'd been there.

Felicity is still my favorite. Also Slade.


There were lots of pics from the Iron Man 3 red carpet on tumblr last night. I must admit, I'm concerned about SebStan's Bucky hair situation. I like the long hair well enough in the comics, but the way he was wearing it last night was... not good. Also, he's got kind of a fivehead, so I'm not sure slicking it straight back is going to be much better. We can hope. Though long hair like that is kind of dumb for a stealth operative - you leave it behind wherever you go. Trust me, I know. Even if he only does long-range eliminations and isn't in danger of having it snag on things or grabbed during a fight (also why long hair is a drawback), it's still DNA evidence he's spreading around the joint. I am just saying. I also didn't care for Kat Dennings' makeup choices - the white eyeshadow and pink lipstick made her look like a wax mannequin. All y'all need to get yourselves a better stylist.

I did love seeing most of them there - Hemsworth and Hiddleston and Cobie Smulders as well - even if they're not actually in the movie.

I guess it's time for a full-on lid on Iron Man on tumblr now, so I don't get spoiled before I see it. I've had IM3 spoilers in tumblr savior for a few weeks, but I might just put every permutation of "Iron Man" in until I've seen it.


Sad story of New York institution Bleecker Bob's closing its doors this month. I really hate how all the small stores and restaurants are being driven out of the city by chains. It's one thing when it happens in Midtown (and I'm not even against the Disneyfication of Times Square, since it certainly feels safer that way and I have no patience for people who want the grit of the 70s back, possibly because I actually lived here then, even though I was just a kid), but down in the Village it should still be indie and artsy and boho etc. etc.


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poetry, tv: arrow, avengers assemble, nyc, national poetry month 2013

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