to be good is the hurricane of caution

Apr 23, 2013 11:33

The Thor 2 trailer is online. I haven't watched it yet, but I've seen some stills, and oh, ♥Thor♥. There's a reason my tag for him on tumblr is #precious asgardian. And also, #VALHALLA I AM COMING! Obviously. And Jane! I actually ship it pretty hard, guys, even if I never talk about it. I LOVE that astrophysicist Jane gets to go to another planet! I hope she gets to do SCIENCE! (or the comic book version thereof anyway) while she's there, in addition to wearing awesome Asgardian fancy clothes and jewelry. And Sif! ♥♥♥ Looks like Loki's let himself go a bit, though. *snerk* I guess they don't allow conditioner in Asgardian prison. All things considered, he should probably count himself lucky he's not tied up and having poison dripped into his eyes. Lack of hair care products is the lesser of evils there.

I also continue to be really amused at the way in which RDJ and GPal are basically being Tony and Pepper on the press tour for IM3. I ship it pretty hardcore, but nobody ships Tony/Pepper like they do. ♥♥♥ #otp: i don't have anyone but you.

I can't wait for more behind the scenes stuff from Cap2, because Anthony Mackie gives good interview, and CEvans and ScarJo have known each other forever (I might ship them a little? IJS), which should make for fun stuff, and, well, maybe this time there will actually be BTS stuff with Sebastian Stan in it, too. *hands*

(I'm also enjoying all the Trek Reboot press stuff, but I'm not actively in that fandom, except for how I love Karl Urban's everything and Chris Pine's face.)

In other news, strawberries were 2 lbs for $5 at my grocery store this week, and I couldn't resist that. They were even better than last time, when they were kind of watery and just shy of ripe, so last night I made strawberry cream cheese ice cream (pics), and I also roasted a pound of them (such a good smell omg), so tonight I plan to make ricotta and roasted strawberry ice cream, though I think I'm going to leave out the graham crackers. Or maybe not. I have to see how stale the ones sitting on top of my fridge are. I will report back tomorrow on how that turns out.

Normally I wouldn't make so much ice cream at once, but it'll keep for a couple of weeks and I am looking forward to ice cream for dinner for a few nights. One of the perks of being an adult, am I right?

Today's poem:

Obedience, or The Lying Tale

I will do everything you tell me, Mother.
I will charm three gold hairs
from the demon's head.
I will choke the mouse that gnaws
an apple tree's roots and keep its skin
for a glove. To the wolf, I will be
pretty and kind and curtsy
his crossing of my path.

The forest, vocal
even in its somber tread, rages.
A slope ends in a pit of foxes
drunk on rotten brambles of berries
and the raccoons ransack
a rabbit's unmasked hole.
What do they find but a winter's heap
of droppings? A stolen nest, the cracked shell

of another creature's child.
I imagine this is the rabbit way
and I will not stray, Mother,
into the forest's thick,
where the trees meet the dark,
though I have known misgivings
of light as a hot hand that flickers
against my neck. The path ends

at a river I must cross. I will wait
for the ferryman
to motion me through. Into the waves
he etches with his oar
a new story: a silent girl runs away,
a silent girl is never safe.
I will take his oar in my hand. I will learn
the boat's rocking and bring myself back

and forth. To be good
is the hurricane of caution.
I will know indecision's rowing,
the water I lap into my lap
as he shakes his withered head.
Behind me is the forest. Before me
the field, a loose run of grass. I stay
in the river, Mother, I study escape.

~Jennifer Chang


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poetry, avengers assemble, adventures in cooking, national poetry month 2013

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