kiss me and smile for me

Mar 27, 2013 13:02

I'm taking Friday off, so I have been all discombobulated this week, thinking every day was a day later than it was. So it really is Wednesday, and thus, time for the weekly book meme:

What I just finished reading

I finished Flora's Fury: How a Girl of Spirit and a Red Dog Confound Their Friends, Astound Their Enemies, and Learn the Importance of Packing Light by Ysabeau S. Wilce. It's been a few years since I read the first two books, so it took me a little while to remember what had happened previously and get up to speed. I enjoyed the book, because it expands Flora's world a bit, and there's some really clever stuff in it, and it's full of fantastic secondary/tertiary characters (Buck! Tiny Doom! OCTOHANDS!), but Flora spends a lot of time making terrible teenage decisions that made me want to shake her, and also not being very astute in picking things up when she should. So I didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. However, there are two developments that make me hope that Wilce is writing another book.

1. Flora's feelings for Udo being taken by Cutaway! I need resolution on this.

and, more shockingly,


I also read The Killing Moon by NK Jemisin, which I enjoyed a lot - I really liked the worldbuilding and the magic and the political intrigue. I also liked that I couldn't predict what was going to happen - I was surprised a few times, which is always a plus when I'm reading. I also like that actions have consequences in this book, and that there is follow-through on that. I also really like that when a dude is set up to have to die, he dies, with no miraculous last minute magical saves. Ehiru was a dead man walking and he knew it and I knew it, and I'm really glad Jemisin knew it, too. I was a little less emotionally invested in the characters than I'd hoped to be, but the world is so fascinating that I didn't really feel it was a detriment to the book, though perhaps that's why I merely really liked it instead of loving it.

What I'm reading now

I liked The Killing Moon enough that I'm reading the sequel, The Shadowed Sun, which takes place about 10 years later than the first book and examines the repercussions of the things that happen in it. And though I'm only about a quarter of the way into it yet, I think I already am more emotionally invested in one of the characters this time around, so if it keeps going well, I might turn out to love this one. We'll see.

What I'm reading next

I don't know. I'm thinking of doing a Sandman reread over Easter weekend. If I remember to load it all onto my iPad, anyway. We'll see.


I also finished s4 of Gilmore Girls last night, and as much as I liked Jason this time around, when he shows up at the Dragonfly in this episode, I want to punch him in the face for almost getting between Luke and Lorelai.

I also want to punch Rory and Dean for being so stupid and selfish and ugh ugh ugh. I have so much hate in my heart for how Rory behaves about Dean and how he goes along with it and how thoughtless they both are about Lindsay. I cheered Lorelai's excoriation of Rory for her behavior. Rory made her choice and Dean made his and once he got married, there were no takebacks on that, and Rory blaming Lindsay was really gross.

There were other things I loved in these eps - Lane and Mrs Kim's reconciliation, Jess's rapprochement with Luke and Liz, the excitement of the Dragonfly opening, Luke and Lorelai's waltz and Lorelai's response ("Luke can waltz!" "Look how you just said 'Luke can waltz'!" "What? I was just saying I'm surprised Luke can waltz." "That sounded more like 'I'm surprised I still have my clothes on'!" "Oh, stop!"); the night they spend in the zucchini patch. The HORSE in the DINING ROOM. Oh show.

Also, I don't know if I knew when I first saw these episodes that the dude Emily sets Rory up with is Duncan Kane. Worlds colliding! (Oh man, I want to see Veronica in Stars Hollow now. How much would it freak her out?)

But the Luke/Lorelai kiss is so nice and oh, Luke, finally making the attempt at communicating and feeling like he's being rebuffed even while he's trying to be a better man, but he's not, Jason was just being a dick. "Would you just stand still?" Ah, as romantic declarations go, it's a keeper. ♥ I don't recall if I have an otp tag for them on tumblr, but if I did, I guess it would be #otp: just stand still. ♥ I will just ignore the show contriving to keep them apart and break them up in stupid, out of character ways, and pretend that they get married and live happily caffeinated ever after.

I'm not sure what's up next on my "rewatch all the comfort shows" binge - could be AtLA again, or Middleman. Or Firefly. But those two are so short. I think it's time for a Band of Brothers rewatch, but that is not very comforting.

Mark Watches is doing both West Wing and FNL, so it could be one of those, though FNL is possibly the least comforting comfort show ever, since I cry every episode. Hmm... I've been enjoying reading the commentariat being won over despite not wanting to watch a show about a small Texas town obsessed with (American) football. The power of Coach and Mrs. Coach compels you! Sigh.


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: gilmore girls

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