I called your name in a whisper

Mar 04, 2013 13:47

Oh my god, this day. *flames! flames on the side of my face!* Remind me that taking a day off so soon before a board meeting is just a terrible idea. Even if you think you are on top of everything, someone will have something to complain about. (Luckily, Boss1 was in a good mood and laughed it off, but still. Board members! So fussy! *shakes fist*)

I think this calls for a meme!

I believe the last place I saw this one was chez
vaznetti, and since I am feeling completely lacking in both inspiration and motivation, let's try it:

WIP buttkick: these are titles/brief descriptions of my many WIPs. Pick one and I'll try to write you 100 or more new words for it. (I offer no guarantees, but I'll do my best over the next few days!) (all titles are provisional and may change at any time; items are listed in no particular order.)

1. Where things that don't match meet (Steve/Darcy fake dating)
2. The stars with you any time (Steve/Darcy: five times they went out and one time they stayed in)
3. The Map Is Not the Territory (Steve/Natasha undercover married)
4. untitled sequel to "what a smile means" (Steve/Natasha/Bucky)
5. Looking for what's next (Steve/Bucky - sequel to barista!Bucky remix)
6. Let's do some living after we die (Steve/Bucky - roadtrip + nightswimming)
7. Just One Swig of Me Would Get Most Guys Smashed (Steve/Sif hotness)
8. This cup of days and shadows (Nick/Cassie slow growing relationship story)
9. Variations on the word sleep (Clint the stealthy nap ninja - Clint/Darcy, Steve/Bucky)
10. A Kinder Gentler Machine Gun Hand (the Bucky Barnes/Stephanie Brown hookup)
12. The Sex Is in the Heels (Pepper/shoes, Tony/Pepper)
13. The Doorway to a Thousand Churches (the one where Steve saves Winter Soldier Bucky with the power of LOVE)
14. If it's a mess you're in, I'm in (Steve/Bucky(/Natasha?))
15. The Crackpots and These Women (Darcy, Pepper, and Jane save the world)
16. Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Take Me In (the one where Steve and Bucky are having a clandestine affair)

Some of these are nothing more than two paragraphs and some notes; on the other hand, some are already a couple thousand words long and stalled, so. Let's see what happens.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/549379.html.
people have commented there.

writing: wsip, my life so hard, memes: writing

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