not your everyday circumstance

Feb 11, 2013 12:37

It was super hard to get out of bed this morning. It's all gross and rainy out (and though it's warmer, it just means everything is covered in gross gray slush, making every street-crossing an adventure) and I put my new flannel sheets on the bed on Thursday to prepare for the blizzard and they're so nice and toasty.

I didn't watch the Grammys but I did watch Once Upon a Time: I basically zoned out every time the giants were on screen. I just can't with the drama over magic beans. Maybe if the acting had rescued the terrible writing? I don't know. But it was just bad acting and bad wigs and ridiculously bad writing and it didn't work for me on any level. Also, it seems to me despite their peace, love, and magic beans ethos, a little coordinated stomping would have solved the giants' pesky little human invader problem. I am just saying.

I wanted more Regina, because I don't believe she's evil again just like that (and uh, sorry, Snow, but as Henry's legal mother, Regina is totally to be consulted about his leaving town to go on a trip with Rumple and Emma). Otoh, Rumple and Emma's awesome adventure was the best part of the episode (well, that and the hilarity of Leroy and Charming arguing about Charming's real name while in the middle of running for their lives). We need more of Gold punching the toilet bib dispenser and then being unable to heal himself. I'm interested to see him respond to NYC, which is an environment he can't control full of people who aren't scared of him.

I'm not sure why he needed the magic scarf - my understanding was that he had remembered everything even under the curse, so why would the curse-line affect him? Or is it that he didn't know if it would so he wasn't taking any chances? but then how did he procure Henry for Regina? I know, I really shouldn't attempt to make this show make sense, but ha! Gold v. the TSA was pretty hilarious. And sadly, Neal is going to turn out to be Baelfire and ugh. I don't like that guy. Though not as much as I don't like August. Bleh. August. He deserves a good swift beatdown for his interference in Emma's life.

I felt really terrible for Ruby when she went to see Belle - I mean, I feel for Belle, because she is basically being gaslighted, but I do ship them and was sad when she rejected Ruby's overtures.

Also, I miss Mulan and Aurora. Sigh.


I made these yellow cupcakes with chocolate ganache icing yesterday (pic) but they're definitely overcooked. I will have to remember to dial back the cooking time next time. (I also made more cinnamon rolls on Saturday night. SO GOOD OMG.)

I also wrote a story yesterday:

The Undone and the Divine (at AO3)
Captain America (2011); Steve/Bucky; adult; 962 words
Bucky's always liked making a mess of Steve's perfect choirboy appearance.

I was trying to convince
angelgazing to finish writing the story she'd been texting me, and I was like, "Bucky really likes making Steve all disheveled," and then I was like, "fuck me, I'm totally writing this, aren't I?"

Remind me, though, to never again post a story on a day where the LIRR is having massive difficulties, because I got a shit-ton of email yesterday and I got excited every time I saw the notification, and 99.44% of the time, it turned out to be the LIRR telling me that some train or another was late or cancelled. Depressing.


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adventures in cooking, tv: once upon a time, my life so hard

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