i wanna always feel like part of this was mine

Feb 09, 2013 13:22

Allegedly we got nearly a foot of snow. I have not been out, and given the way the wind was whipping it around, I don't know how they can tell. The sun is out now, but I have decided to spend the day inside. I would call it a pajama day, but I did finally get dressed. I might make cinnamon rolls again later. My exciting life!

Anyway! My question is, what do I marathon? I've narrowed it down to two choices, but I'll need to start soonish, so vote early and vote often!

View poll: snow day marathon


Young Justice: Well, I'm glad Mal and Karen finally sorted themselves out. I wish I were more invested in their relationship, though. Also, I wish Cassie had had more characterization. Right now it's just like she's there as a heavy hitter but is really kind of an unknown. Lastly, it hurt my heart to see Jaime take out his friends. NO JAIME. THAT'S NOT WHO YOU ARE.

Suits: Can Wendell Pierce stay forever? Please? While I think Donna slapping Hardman and Louis threatening him was way over the top (and there are a whole host of issues wrapped up in what Louis did to Monica and why he was wrong), I still enjoyed every moment. Hardman got Litt up! And then Harvey and Donna's conversation - "closed fist?" "Open palm." "Bitchslap!" "Oh yeah." I LOVE THEM TOGETHER SO MUCH YOU GUYS. I SHIP IT SO HARD. And then he's all, "You're beautiful." And Donna's FACE, but he was talking to Jessica. Which broke my heart on the one hand, because see again how hard I ship Harvey/Donna ("I'm not me without you.") but I also ship Jessica/Harvey ("If you go, I go.") though probably not as much as I ship Jessica/BEING AWESOME. I felt so much for her while Hardman was insulting her over and over again. Think about what a woman - a black woman - must have had to endure to get where she is, with her name on the door, and think of how many times she's had to listen to white men telling her she's not good enough, she's not smart enough, she's only gotten where she is for bullshit reasons instead of her own brilliance and tenacity and willingness to wade in and get her hands dirty. God, JESSICA. HOW IS SHE SO AWESOME? The moment she spoils the game for Zane was amazing. And also all their scenes. They need to be in a movie together where they make out after snarking at each other. Ahem. Also, I really hope they let Rachel go to Harvard, though I imagine they won't because it would mean she'd be off the show.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/543443.html.
people have commented there.

polls, tv: young justice, my flist knows everything, tv: suits

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