i try to keep myself out of your bad dreams

Feb 04, 2013 13:04

Yesterday, I kept forgetting that, unlike last year, when the Giants were playing, I did not take today off, and therefore I couldn't just stay up and screw around because I had to get up for work. Oops?

It was a good game, though - I was rooting for the 49ers and they almost pulled off an amazing comeback, and that Kaepernick kid was pretty amazing. I also feel myself turn into my father every time I watch a sporting event - I scream things like, "DON'T CARRY THE BALL LIKE A FUCKING LOAF OF BREAD" or "MY DEAD GRANDMOTHER CAN TACKLE BETTER THAN THAT" (not that he ever says the latter, but the former, along with "NO, RUN FORWARD, YOU MORON" is right out of my dad's lexicon) at the television and can frequently be heard demanding to know "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" when someone on the team I'm rooting for does something dumb or bad. This is why I feel it's generally best for me to watch sports by myself.

And Beyoncé's halftime show was AMAZING. *bows before Queen B* There was a lot of ecstatic texting and IMing going on between me and various other excited people. I literally got chills when she started "Halo." Her awesome was so strong it shorted out the power! I also love that her band is made up of awesome ladies.

I had a fairly productive day outside watching the game, too. I took out the garbage/recycling, did some grocery shopping, and baked.

I made these biscuit cinnamon rolls (pics at my tumblr) and they were - are - SO GOOD. I did not, as I feared, eat all ten of them at once, or even over the course of the day, but I could have. That's how good they are.

Also, because they are kind of not really good for one-handed, sitting at your desk at work eating (they fall apart easily and then it's cinnamon brown sugar everywhere), I made the ever popular smitten kitchen raspberry buttermilk cake, because it is my favorite and also super easy and I had raspberries in the freezer. (I still have a bag of cranberries in the freezer and the other day my mother told me she'd added dried cranberries to her risotto and it was wonderful, and now I wonder if maybe adding non-dried cranberries to this lemon risotto might work well; I might have to try that.)

I also made a batch of rice for lunch for the week, but that's not exciting.

And in the midst of all that, I also posted a story:

A Round for These Freaks and These Soldiers (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve, ensemble; g; 1,500 words
A round for these friends of mine.

Aka, the one with the tontine, shamelessly cribbed from that episode of MASH. If you ever wanted a story of Steve toasting his old teammates with his new ones, this is that story.

Now I think I need to pay attention to my wsip, because some of them have been around way longer than I generally like.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/542125.html.
people have commented there.

sports, adventures in cooking, recipes, fannishness

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