the language of love has left me broke and on the run

Jan 23, 2013 13:03

So I watched a bunch of
festivids and here are a few that I really liked:

This Night (Batman: Under the Red Hood)
If I were on tumblr, I would tag this #ALL BRUCE'S JASON FEELS #ALL OF THEM because it is a masterpiece of heartbreak about Jason Todd and all Bruce's regrets concerning him.

All the Rowboats (The Godfather I & II)
This is just brilliantly done.

Seven Devils (Kings)
Really sharp look at David, Silas, and Jack.

Greased Lightning (Star Wars)
Of course. The Millennium Falcon. OF COURSE.

Titanium (Wonder Woman 1975)
Because Diana IS titanium. I don't remember the show particularly well, but I feel like this totally captures the awesomeness of Wonder Woman.

Va Va Voom (A League of Their Own)


Wednesday reading meme:

What I'm reading now

I just finished what I was reading! So at this very moment I am in that liminal space between books. It could be anything! I don't know!

What I just finished

I just finished Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon last night. I'm just going to paste in my good reads review here:
Wow, so Grady Tripp. Might as well have named the guy Douchebag McAsshole because ugh. The writing is of course fabulous - evocative and dryly funny - because Michael Chabon knows how to spin a sentence, but jesus, this guy was the worst and I don't mean that in the awesome Britta Perry way. He's like every bad thing anyone ever said about Holden Caulfield only old enough to know better and still trying to coast by on threadbare charm. Maybe if I'd liked any of the other characters (except Miss Sloviak, who was the best thing in the book) I would have rated it higher [nb: I gave it 2 stars, i.e., it was okay], but it's just one ridiculous thing after another happening to a bunch of overgrown boys (and the thinly characterized women who choose for some reason to stick with them) I didn't want to spend time with but felt incapable of escaping. Like Grady, I kept waiting for things to take a turn for the better, but they never did.

Such a disappointment after how much I've loved his other books.

I also just read Winter Soldier 14, which wraps up the Widow Hunt arc and is Ed Brubaker's swansong on the book. UGH. NO. I think what I hate most about THIS WHOLE ARC is that it takes Natasha's kidnapping and brainwashing, and the loss of her memory, and makes it ALL ABOUT BUCKY. I mean, Bucky's probably more entitled than most to his angst, but ugh. I love him, but come the fuck on - this was using Natasha as a prop for manpain, not letting her be his full partner as she'd been in earlier stories. This is also why having Natasha and Bucky on Secret Avengers - having them allegedly AGREE to be mindwiped after missions - IS SUCH OUT OF CHARACTER BULLSHIT. And then Bucky's the one making the decision for her when Steve is all, "We haven't even explored all the options!" Like, I'm sure Natasha is sitting there in the bed going, "So this guy thinks I know him and clearly he knows me, but eh, no worries that I'm missing something that looks like it might be important! I'll just let this random guy make that decision for me because it will give him an opportunity to brood handsomely and yet probably have a new love interest in two issues who will also end badly!"

It's not that they broke up my OTP - I can deal with that - but this is such a gross way to do it. And once again I'm pissed at the idea that we can't just have a functional couple in something - it always has to end badly. Because that is no more realistic than everybody getting some storybook happily ever after. SUCH BULLSHIT ARRGH.

I really loved most of what Brubaker did with bringing Bucky back, and for the most part, he did really well in writing Natasha, but given that issue that was nothing but gross torture porn, the bullshit he put Sharon through (which has NEVER been dealt with from her perspective) and now this, I have to wonder what is up with his deal with women.

Oh, and I finished Beautiful Ruins last week. The last chapter annoyed me a little (we don't really need to get that meta, okay? It felt like cleverness for its own sake rather than intrinsic to the book) but I ended up liking this better on the whole than I did while reading, mostly because I liked where Dee and Pat and Pasquale had ended up, and the resolution of Claire's relationship.

What I'm reading next

I haven't decided yet. Too many books!


White Collar:
I enjoyed Moz and Neal working as liquor counterfeiters and that El was instrumental in handling things but I could not care less about Neal's family drama.


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: white collar, youtube, books, comics: winter soldier, recs

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