with your loose change and your flowers

Jan 21, 2013 21:02

I enjoyed the music and the president's speech at the inauguration, but that poet was just awful. I realize it's the only time in the guy's life he's going to open for Beyonce, but still. Awful.

I finished watching Cowboy Bebop today. I think overall I liked it and I'm glad I watched it, though there were some episodes that just didn't work for me. The ending, otoh, is one of the best series finales I've seen, I think.

I was pretty sure Spike was heading for death from the moment he mentioned that he'd been dead before because of a woman, but even though I didn't feel too emotionally attached, I really was sad when he died - part of me wanted Faye to slap him and tell him he didn't have to go face Vicious, but of course he did, not just because of the whole facing his past thing, but also because associating with him puts both Faye and Jet in the line of fire and I think he finally realized that nothing short of stopping Vicious (or dying, or as it turns out, both) would stop that. It's a shame Julia was never more than a cipher, though.

I was actually more sad about Ed and Ein leaving (♥ED♥), right up until I realized that they would have been in the line of fire too in the last two episodes, and then I was glad they were safe (though sad they weren't there for Jet after he lost everyone else). But jesus, it's sad when Ed walks away and Ein barks and barks and when they realize she's gone, Jet and Spike just angrily eat their sadness eggs alone. And Faye, sleeping in the remnants of her past. I feel like her telling Ed that the most important thing was a place to belong should have been a signal to stay, but Ed decided that she belonged with her father (was he really? I thought that was going to turn out to be a con, but I guess not; he just was a terrible father) rather than the people who had actually become like a family for her, and that ending just made me tear up a little. At least she and Ein have each other.

In less sad but more creepy episodes, "Pierrot Le Fou" was basically a BtAS episode, huh? Complete with crazy killer clown and creepy abandoned amusement park. *shudder* The segment where they discover how Mad Pierrot came into existence was amazingly done.

Should I watch the movie?


Once Upon a Time: what even was this episode? I feel like it was mostly a mess. Whale's the only doctor in town? Emma can no longer tell when people are lying? Creepy Gold is creeping on poor amnesiac!Belle? CHIP GOT BROKEN. Nobody went to find Regina to let her know she'd been cleared? I know Regina's not teaming up with Cora. I know she's smarter than that, so I hope she's just playing Cora to understand her plan better. Also, I don't really care about Whale at all so his fairyback did nothing for me.


I posted a story yesterday:

If I'm not beyond repair (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult; 3,305 words
Bucky understands the rules when it comes to spy games and secret missions, but he feels like he was in stasis the day they gave out the decoder ring for relationships.

This started with the dream I mentioned the other day, where Natasha shoots Bucky and Steve reads it as a sign of affection, though writing it from Bucky's POV made it a lot more melancholy than I was expecting when I started. *pets him* Feelings are hard! Especially when you are a formerly brainwashed assassin! Luckily he has Steve and Natasha to help. I like how it turned out, anyway.

I also wrote another tumblr request ficlet over the weekend that I didn't link here:

A Cure for Hangovers
Star Trek Reboot; Kirk/McCoy; g; 439 words
Jim sits up, because he's the captain of this starship and he's not going to take a lecture lying down.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/538566.html.
people have commented there.

yes we can, tv: cowboy bebop, tv: once upon a time

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