'cause the ones that you got now see only goodbyes

Jan 17, 2013 12:56

I don't really have anything to say about last night's Arrow except that John Diggle is the best. Oh, and I thought this take on Firefly (the DC villain, not the show) was pretty good and fit this particular universe. Otoh, let's not speak of how dumb it is that the SCPD apparently can't trace a phone number that goes to Ollie's phone.

Captain Marvel 9: CAROL AND JESS FOUGHT DINOSAURS IN MIDTOWN. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID. I also enjoyed Carol deputizing the guy to take her cat to the vet, and the continuation of Tracy v. Jess (that is totally the ex v. the current gf, amirite?), Tony telling Carol that she needs her own Pepper (duh, who doesn't?) and the possibility that Wendy will be that for her and also more info on the Banshees (I still want Carol and Steve to talk about them), and then the gutpunch at the end with Carol being grounded. There should be ALL THE COMFORT SEX after she and Jess get home from the doctor's office. I didn't mind the art so much this time around. I still like Dexter Soy's art better for this book, but I could get used to this artist. Really, though, if you are not reading Captain Marvel, you are absolutely missing out on a fun, emotionally engaging, lady-centric comic.

Avengers Assemble 11: Tony Stark has no pants. Tony Stark needs no pants. He also needs no excuse to take his pants off, though he's happy to be given one. I also liked Thor and Carol working together to make a waterspout and throw it out into space, and Jess insisting that Hulk be given the choice and Hulk choosing being an Avenger. <3 This book is a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy team shenanigans (and SCIENCE BROS), and since it's out of continuity, you don't have to worry about how anybody is there while they're dead/in another dimension/in jail or whatever in another book.

And speaking of "in another dimension," I also read the first three issues of Captain America volume 7 (this I did not purchase, and I'm glad) and I can't tell if it is actively awful or if I just really dislike it so I think it's awful. Giving Steve a kid to care for is brilliant; he's one of the few Avengers I'd trust with a baby. Completely skipping over the time he spends learning how to do so is annoying. Also, this might just be the art, but that kid is way older than 12-18 months (I realize Steve says keeping track of time in that dimension is impossible, but the big ONE YEAR LATER page is hard to ignore). I also just don't find the story entertaining. (I've already discussed my irritation with the change from Joe Rogers, probably neglectful alcoholic to Joe Rogers, physically abusive alcoholic.) I think it's not even the portentous narration or uninteresting to me secondary fantasy world trappings so much as Steve's complete isolation here that makes me dislike it. If ever there were a superhero who shouldn't be ~FOREVER ALONE~ it's Steve Rogers. He has friends and allies and partners and possibly a fiancee. (see also: Dick Grayson and so many of the problems with his downward spiral during the Blockbuster arc.)

I think I just dislike this method of storytelling as a whole. I want characters to interact with each other for the most part (also why I find Batman on his own boring; at least let Alfred or Dick or Selina hang around to snark at him), and here it's just Steve pinballing around a bunch of possible allies and enemies in an unknown hostile environment. The kid isn't old enough to really do much interacting, so it's three issues of Steve basically talking to himself, until they finally get taken in by some aliens, where Steve then foments a rebellion (which, see, this is why it would have been better if Sarah Rogers were shown standing up to bullies as a union activist or a suffragette or something, because then there would be thematic parallels. I am just saying.) and discovers Zola is implanted in his chest. Which, yeah, no thanks. If he ever gets back to Sharon and they decide to hash out the MANY MANY issues in their relationship that have been completely glossed over (I'm not sure why Steve is painted as the reluctant party here, given all the shit Sharon's been through, and no, the flashback to his dad beating his mom doesn't really sell it for me), then maybe I might become interested again, but for right now, not so much.

In non-comics links news, the story of Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o's fake dead girlfriend will feel familiar to anyone who's been in fandom for any length of time. That is some serious msscribe shit up in there.

lastly, I wrote another tumblr ask box ficlet:

Keeping Watch
Firefly; Zoe/Wash; 345 words; g
Zoe nurses Wash while he's ill.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/537152.html.
people have commented there.

comics: captain marvel, tv: arrow, comics: captain america, comics: avengers assemble

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