there's still some time to change the road you're on

Jan 14, 2013 11:21

After basically napping my way through Saturday, I was productive yesterday! I made some Nutella ice cream, and then I baked this sticky orange cake with marmalade glaze (picture here), which is really sticky and really good. I mean, I thought it would be good, but it's supertasty and moist.

And then later I watched football and I made mac and cheese to take for lunch this week. Plus I did grocery shopping and took out the recycling and wrote a story (which I did put up on AO3 here).

And then there was tv!

Once Upon a Time: The Outsider
Belle and Mulan teaming up in Fairy Tale Land. \o/ I don't care about Phillip (which is funny, since he's the Disney prince I imprinted on as a child), but Mulan and Aurora need to come to Storybrooke and hook up with Belle! (though I still do like Red/Belle as a ship)

Belle! I love that Mulan values her skills when others don't, and that they bond over their strengths being overlooked because they're women.

I thought they did a good job with Rumple's character arc here - maybe he is capable of change, especially now that they've got Cora around to be the out-and-out unsympathetic (for now) villain (I'm sure her backstory with him will make her a little sympathetic - at least, I'm guessing it will, though I don't mind her being straight up evil).

I was surprised they revealed Archie's status as alive so quickly, though it sets the stage for some prime Emma/Regina makeup sex, right??

We'll see where Snow and Charming's hints of marital discord go. I personally would prefer to see them all dealing with our world than going back to FTL, and not just because I can't with the cheap and terrible CGI every week.

So I read the AV Club recaps for my shows, and while I don't always agree with them, I usually enjoy them, but I think this is the show where they are almost always completely off-target. The joy of OUaT for me is the fact that these are Disney princesses who are strong and capable and have agency in their own lives (not that some of them don't in their Disney movie versions, which is a long talk for another time), and that they are the drivers of the plot, and their relationships are the important ones. The evil queen and her evil queen mother; the savior and the badass and the loyal soldier and the werewolf - they are ALL women in this show. I mean, sure, Rumple and Charming play important roles, but Hook, Whale, Jefferson, Leroy, the Huntsman, August - they're secondary and tertiary, there to serve the womens' stories, instead of the other way around, and that is why I put up with scenery chewing and terrible CGI and logic holes big enough to drive a truck through. And I feel like that component of the discussion is always missing from the recaps over there.

And I still need an icon. Possibly of Regina. Or Aurora & Mulan. Or Red & Snow. Hmm...


The Good Wife: Je Ne Sais What?
So Alicia totally booty called Peter, right? She wasn't calling to ask a favor about Elsbeth, which is an interpretation I've seen. Grace was right, though, she looked great the whole episode. I loved her post-sex swagger out of the campaign trailer and her reassurance to Eli that it was "Just the wife." Hee! I don't want Peter and Alicia back together, but I am totally okay with them as friends with benefits.

I loved Will being totally in over his head ("This guy's obsessed with Rambo. Does anyone even watch that anymore?") and Diane swanning in and being her charming, elegant self with the French judge, and Elsbeth being her wacky and brilliant self through the whole episode (the highlight was Kalinda's bafflement when dealing with her, though her illegible handwriting in the courtroom was also hilarious, and her running across the field to get to the hearing at the end) and I enjoyed seeing Johnny Sack as a judge and Alfredo from Elementary as a chemist.

I think the conversation between Geneva and Peter was somewhat deftly handled, because Geneva is right and the show seems to know that, and Peter at least seemed willing to listen, which might eventually end okay for him personally, but Eli spinning that into Peter being brave on race is just... typical of the show but awful.


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adventures in cooking, tv: once upon a time, tv: the good wife

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