you have your reasons for being late

Jan 12, 2013 20:52

Last night, L. and I went out to the bar and I had two shots and two pints and I came home and crashed. And slept for ten hours. I am old. And then this afternoon, I had the chills and the aches and I took an unexpected 2 hour nap because under the covers was the only place I could get warm. I feel better now, but ugh.

When I wasn't napping, I watched Young Justice, though my cable box decided to reboot and I missed the beginning. I'm glad to see them dealing with the fallout of M'gann's behavior, and that it's Superboy who's going to talk to her about it. I also really liked Jaime stepping up and telling the truth even though he knew it was going to be trouble for him. He just needs to get Khaji Da on his side now. First to have a friend, indeed.

Oh, Walter. I thought he might die *in this episode* and I am so not prepared for that. And Michael did turn out to be September's -- Donald's -- son. (When he said he named himself after Singing in the Rain, I thought Don Lockwood, not Donald O'Connor, tbh.) And I guess he knows what he's doing, but my heart was breaking for him while they talked about sending him to the future like he wasn't even there. And I kind of expected Olivia to try to comfort him, but she walked right by him to go have a glass of water to calm herself over the idea of getting Etta back.

The problem with the plan - as always with time travel - is that if Michael convinces the Norwegian not to create the observers, then neither September nor he exists. Of course, this means that September doesn't distract Walternate and Peter gets saved without Walter having to bust through to the other universe and causing everything that comes after.

Speaking of time travel, I'm not sure the White Tulip call back really worked. It felt like a reach to me. The other references to the early episodes - the tank, and Walter's desire for nekkidity - worked better, I thought. And I guess he's practically blueverse Walter now, with the memories? Hmm...

And a separate cut-tag for the promo for the finale: HOLY SHIT ALTLIVIA! So Olivia gets cortexiphaned again and sent to the other side! Yay!


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tv: young justice, tv: fringe

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