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Jan 05, 2013 22:29

fleurdeleo and I exchanged gifts tonight and in addition to a Starbucks gift card, she got me a set of Avengers cookie cutters. Hee! <3

I have spent the day lazing about; earlier I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time in ages - my god, Harrison Ford was young and hot and such a formative influence for me - and it is a master class in pacing. I feel like today's action movies could study it to see how to keep things moving without having individual scenes go on too long - I feel like every chase and fight scene in the past ten years has been at least 5 minutes too long.

Now I'm watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and it's making me remember the hours and hours I spent playing the video game on my dad's old PC back in 1989. There's a reason I don't play games now - I tend to get obsessive and refuse to do anything else until I win/finish. I mean, staying up until 3 am, avoiding doing work that was due (I was in college at the time), and basically doing nothing but play. This is also why I don't gamble. But the movie is still enjoyable and I am enjoying it.


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we named the dog indiana, movies

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