you're growing old so young

Dec 08, 2012 14:57

So I was hoping with the advent of Marvel Now that I could hop onto a 616 Spider-man book and be happy with it, but absolutely nothing about Superior Spider-Man sounds good to me right now. And I don't know if that is also going to infect Avenging Spider-Man, which I only read when the team up is of interest to me, and it hasn't been the past few issues (since the one with Aunt May).

What I would really like is a book where Peter mentors the kids. HE WAS A TEENAGE SUPERHERO. LET HIM HELP THE KIDS OUT. One of my favorite bits in Runaways is when they meet him, and he sits down and talks to them like people instead of ordering or condescending to them. Also, I loved his brief interactions with Anya. Why does this not exist? It could be SO AWESOME. (also, they should bring Anya and Rikki back. Rikki's not dead. La la la I can't hear you.)

The other thing I was hoping for was that the new Secret Avengers would be good because it has a great lineup (it includes Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Bobbi, and Rhodey), but this whole mindwiping after every mission thing is not only skeevy as hell (and also, wasn't it this sort of shenanigans that got Nick Fury ousted as director of SHIELD? not that I don't believe they wouldn't try it again if they thought they could get away with it), it screams OOC to me for Bucky and Natasha both to agree to it (if in fact that is the case), not just given their past experiences with brainwashing and mindwiping, but given what is happening in Winter Soldier RIGHT NOW.


The funniest part is that I knew - I KNEW - this would happen (where "this" is vague and unspecified but HEARTBREAKING) and I avoided comics fandoms for so long. *sigh* Jason Todd has a lot to answer for, is all I'm saying.


I think this might have been the best episode of the season for me, because we got to see Olivia be active and smart, and it was completely upfront about the Matrixy parallels (though I could have done without the Magical Negro, even though it was lovely to see Jill Scott, who is apparently a big fan of the show). I loved how Olivia was just so matter-of-factly ruthless with Simone. "You're an anomaly. I know that because I'm an anomaly too." and "It's not magic, it's just numbers. And the Observers are better at math." Oh, my heart. Oh, Olivia.

And yet she's able to take what Simone tells her about faith and about Etta and use it to break through to Peter. And one of the things I love about this show was that I wasn't actually sure it would work (confession: I was kind of hoping it wouldn't?), but one of Olivia's strengths has always been her emotions and her compassion and even though I'm not sure the episode earned that ending, it reminded me of her season 1 speech to Broyles: "I understand that you think I acted too emotionally. Putting aside the fact that men always say that about women they work with, I'll get straight to the point: I am emotional. I do bring it into my work. It's what motivates me. It's what helps me get into the headspace of our victims, see what they've seen, even if I don't want to, even if it horrifies me. And I think it makes me a better agent. If you have a problem with that, I'm sorry. You can fire me. But I hope you don't." So I can't get too annoyed about it. The show's always been about the power of love to cross - and break - and maybe fix the universe.


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comics: amazing spider-man, tv: fringe, does whatever a spider can, comics

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